Message board
This page is for Whitchurch residents to post comments and replies. For Sale and Wanted posts within the village are also welcomed. It's also for anyone who may wish to enquire about the village from afar. The page is moderated so expect a delay before seeing your message. If you want to contact the Message Board editor directly, you can do so here.
Please give your FULL name and email address.
13/03/2025 10:48:30 Post reply
Christine Martin Email
A trip to Chichester Festival Theatre on Wednesday, 6th August to see Irving Berlin's TOP HAT. Cost £62. Coach departs Pangbourne at 9.00am. Deadline Wednesday, 16th April.
17/02/2025 14:47:41 Post reply
Elizabeth ROBINSON Email
Another thought about the 45 lights proposed for the care home.
Are the lights that are on all night going to be the sort that point down and just illuminate the walkway or will they pollute the environment with light? We have a lot of nocturnal wildlife in Swanston Field especially owls and badgers who will not appreciate bright lights any more than human life.
16/02/2025 22:53:23 Post reply
Elizabeth ROBINSON Email
I'd like to comment on the amount of external lighting as proposed for the care home in Eastfield Lane.
45 lights seems like a lot of lights in a rural village setting some of which are going to be on overnight - surely this will affect the houses on either side of the care home.
Shame there's not much care for the village residents.
11/02/2025 16:19:37 Post reply
tina mintern Email
I am looking for a small aluminium greenhouse if you have one you no longer require.
Happy to dismantle
25/02/2025 20:06:37 Post reply
Eric Hartley Email
I have the frame of a small lean-to greenhouse which you are welcome to look at. It probably isn’t what you have in mind but come and have a coffee anyway! Eric - 28 Swanston Field
11/02/2025 16:16:12 Post reply
Sarah Hanfrey Email
If anyone wants to complain about the mud on Eastfield Lane, OCC Highways Department is an organisation to contact:
I have sent the following: "A developer on Eastfield Lane is depositing mud on the road on a daily basis. This has been going on for months.
There have been a couple of road sweeps but within hours/ a day the road is covered in mud again as their site is wet and muddy and they take no measures to clean vehicles before they move onto the road.
It is an old lane which is now a residential cul-de-sac with a primary school and pre school at one end. The road is used by parents to walk their children to and from school. There are no pavements.
The surface of the road is slippery for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. Stopping distances for vehicles must be being effected.
It is a safety risk. Section 161 Highways Act 1980 "If a person, without lawful authority or excuse, deposits anything whatsoever on a highway in consequence of which a user of the highway is injured or endangered, that person is guilty of an offence""
10/02/2025 14:21:54 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
A quick update on the Manor Road sinkhole. I understand that the leak was successfully fixed late Friday night/early Saturday morning. The crew onsight at Manor Road are just waiting for support to start clearing up the site. A separate crew will repair the road surface in the next day or two. So also no more need for tankers on the High Street or Eastfield Lane!
08/02/2025 22:58:16 Post reply
Peter Ferguson Email
I observe that mud deposited on Eastfield road mostly originates from the construction site at Eastfield House conveyed by vehicles wheels.
Good practice in maintaining a “clean” site should have been to tarmac the front delivery area with proper drainage as a first priority with a facility to wash down vehicles. If trenches had to be dug for services this could have been preplanned with prefabricated concrete road crossings to thread services under roads.
Perhaps hindsight is a poor substitute for lack of a thorough risk assessment and poor community relations on behalf of the contractor who has disregarded his responsibility and duty of care to maintain a a tidy site that minimises impact to the surrounding area.
09/02/2025 15:31:18 Post reply
Sarah Hanfrey Email
Good points. Also their site is higher than the road so any rain washes mud into the road. They could have avoided this having a better site setup as you outlined.
05/02/2025 19:25:34 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Mel, yes when it rains it ours doesn't it? I'd like to thank Barry Read of the upper narrows for contacting both Thames Water and OCC Highway drainage team today to sort this stuation out. Between the OCC and Thames Water, the situation is now resolved. It seems that Thames Water is empyting their tankers that are full of sewage into a sewerage line halfway up Whitchurch Hill as a way of feeding it into the Manor Road Sewage Treatment Plant - this avoids the need to drive the large tankers down Manor Road. We don't know if there was some spillage from the tanker or a blockage somewhere in the sewerage line, but hopefully it won't happen again. If it does, please immediately contact one of the Thames Water teams who are on site at either Manor Road or Eastfield Lane.
08/02/2025 10:38:19 Post reply
Hilary Jensen Email
Jim, the torrent of water running down the hill at 9:20 am on Tuesday that I had to wade through in the Upper Narrows, as reported by Mel below, was NOT rainfall, and if it was sewage, that is a horrific thought as it was flooding everywhere. Thames Water need to be held to account.
08/02/2025 20:37:17 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Hillary, yes that sadly seems to be what it was - although I believe it happened Wednesday, not Tuesday. We think the issue is resolved, but that is why I say, it if happens again, we need to immediately alert the Thames Water teams on site. Or contact them on their website or the emergency line at 0800 316 9800. I agree it is a horrific thought. I have asked Thames Water for an explanation directly and via OCC Highways but have not received an adequate response yet. As a first priority we need to ensure Thames Water can safely finish the sink hole repair job on Manor Road as sewage has also been leaking there for some time and Thames Water only just confirmed this.
05/02/2025 12:05:49 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Ive contacted them about street sweeping and they have a sweeper and gully such planned for this afternoon. I agree that it needs to be done regularly -
We can’t continue to live in a mid bath.
05/02/2025 10:38:14 Post reply
Mel Taylor Email
Does anyone know why we have water running down the High Street from up the hill? There’s a smell of sewage in the upper narrows too.
04/02/2025 18:27:37 Post reply
Sarah Hanfrey Email
At the next meeting please can the Parish Council agree to tell Zephyr they need to put a frequent cleaning schedule in place for Eastfield Lane. It’s been constantly muddy since November. The mud and pooling water make it difficult to see where you can walk/cycle/drive without damage to your shoes/bike/car/person. Waiting until the end of their project is unacceptable and unsafe. My car has already been damaged. Their project is enormous in compared with the other ones in the lane. They are not one of a suggested 8 or 9. The duration and scale of their project is of a different scale than the other projects and the magnitude of their project’s resulting wear and tear is incomparable.
04/02/2025 21:08:23 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Sarah, yes that sounds like a reasonable suggestion to me. Another resident has requested that they also clear the affected drains which are now clogged after just being cleared in November. The contractor has already agreed to this in principle. We can discuss this and any other suggestions that residents have to address the situationat at our next meeting.
05/02/2025 08:26:08 Post reply
Richard Williams Email
Maybe they can do a "clean-up" every Friday just after they finish work for the week? Having a strict routine would help I think.
06/02/2025 10:25:17 Post reply
I totally agree Sarah. And if their vans weren't parked along the road the whole time the vehicles trying to get to those other projects wouldn't have to drive off the edge of the road and over the verges to get past, which is what's causing the road to disintegrate! I've not seen any evidence in the last week or so of their promises to park more cars on their own site; they really need to be help to account with clear commitments and dates for the sake of the safety of everyone in the village.
07/02/2025 14:58:44 Post reply
Barbara ROBINSON Email
They park in Swanston Field now near the cut through from Eastfield.
Eastfield Road is a total disgrace and a real hazard. I walk down there at night and it's a real challenge. Someone will come to grief if it's not dealt with.
01/02/2025 16:23:20 Post reply
Alexa Email
Does anyone have a long handled loppers I could borrow to trim back two small trees in our garden before the spring?
It looks like the regular kind soul in the village I’ve borrowed from previously has moved away!
Many thanks in advance, Alexa
31/01/2025 14:08:33 Post reply
Andrew Ward Email
PARISH FOOTPATHS This month I have taken on the role as volunteer Chiltern Society Parish Path Representative for Whitchurch parish. Alongside other Chiltern Society volunteers, my role is to work alongside residents and the parish council to monitor the footpaths and rights of way in the parish, keeping them as accessible and clearly marked as possible, and reporting any major issues that need fixing to OCC and the Chiltern Society. In this role, I am inheriting the tremendous legacy passed on by Eric Hartley. If you have any concerns about footpaths or rights of way, I'd be glad to hear them.
03/02/2025 12:00:54 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Thanks for your important work on this Andrew! If anyone have any concerns about local footpaths, how solid then contact you?
28/01/2025 10:39:57 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
It seems that Thames Water has now finally accepted responsibility foir the sinkhole on Manor Road. After some back and forth between OCC Highway and Thames Water, it appears that the cause is a burst water pipe afterall. Please see the update I received this morning from Thames Water via OCC: We have now identified this as a burst rising main. Our civils team have performed an emergency make safe and our teams are mobilising to enact a repair. We will also perform a letter drop to local residents. There is a sign on the works stating that work will be completed by 17 February.
29/01/2025 18:20:11 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
The latest is that they are working on a plan for the work, but it seems likely that they will plan if for half-term to minimise disruption to the area, the week of 17 Februray.
27/01/2025 12:06:10 Post reply
Karin Clarke Email
Sadly our older female rabbit has passed away last Sunday leaving our neutered male rabbit heartbroken and lonely. If anybody is looking for a good home for a 3-4 years old female rabbit or knows anybody who is, please consider us. Many thanks
27/01/2025 15:27:33 Post reply
Richard Williams Email
Karin, Oxford Animal Sanctuary, based in Stadhampton on the road to Oxford, currently have four rabbits in their care link
26/01/2025 17:20:35 Post reply
Anna Email
TRAIN ENTHUSIASTS! Books needing a new home. Best of British Steam; GWR 4-6-0s Locomotives in the 1960s by Derek Penny; The Train Book (The Definitive Visual History); Extraordinary Railway Journeys by Tom Savio & Anthony Lambert. Donation to charity.
24/01/2025 17:12:24 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
You may have seen that SSE did the remedial repair work on the Ferryboat pavement last weekend. As you can see, it is somewhat improved but still not great. OCC Highways now tell me that the SSE work has failed their inspections the worak is still unsatisfactry. This was partly due to wet weather during the work. SSE says they now have a new block stencil mat that should provide a better quality imprint and will try again in better weather. OCC will continue to inspect the area until the work has been satisfactorily completed. 3rd time lucky?
19/01/2025 11:11:02 Post reply
Sarah Dixon Email
Has anyone got a Catit water fountain? They are the sort with a green lid and a daisy on the top. If so, I have a packet of filters for you - I bought the wrong sort
13/01/2025 21:23:17 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
OCC Highways have reported to me that the Ferryboat Pavement work by SSE is now planned for 18-20 January which is this weekend. No street closure is planned for this but it will clearly impact pedestrians. I've questioned this as it seems strange for this to be happening on the weekend, but these are the dates they confirmed.
08/01/2025 08:56:38 Post reply
Charlie Brennan Email
Hi, does anyone know when the Green Jim working party are going to be working in the church yard at St. Johns? Apparently they are a team of 15 and will be working for 2 days down there, and I would like to know the dates so I can give them some help. Thanks
10/01/2025 14:38:47 Post reply
Sally Woolhouse Email
Thanks for your offer of help, Charlie. The Sonning Common Green Gym team worked on the brambles at St John's churchyard yesterday (Thursday 9th) and are coming again on Sat 18th Jan at 9.30am. They would welcome your help I'm sure!
07/01/2025 17:39:36 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Apparently the 'sinkhole' on Manor Road is not actually a sinkhole caused by a water leak, but is some sort of generic 'void' under the road. Well at least that's what Thames Water says so they passed it back to OCC Highways in their game of ping pong and OCC says they will now have it repaired in 24 hrs - kinda what they said on Dec 17th 🤨. Just pray that OCC don't decide it is caused by a water leak after all and continue playing ping pong 🙏
02/01/2025 10:45:31 Post reply
Eric Hartley Email
Be aware:
Until recently I kept a spare sealed bag of dog food in the normally closed garage and another, similarly sealed but used daily, in the lean to conservatory. I found that both bags had been torn open. Further investigation revealed the presence of
rats in the conservatory.
Access to the garage had been obtained by further excavating the electrical supply entry hole in the garage floor and access to the conservatory was by gnawing away at its framework where it lapped over that floor .
Both access points are now blocked but there is still evidence I hope we will soon see a local team catching them. The rats were settling in for the winter and are now disturbed.
Be aware of your dark corners and available food.
03/01/2025 20:19:56 Post reply
Emma Email
I do wonder if we have an issue with rats in the village so it’s wise to take precautions. We have recently had rats, and I’m aware of two other local properties having rat issues, plus the Pest Control van has been parked on the High Street recently suggesting further issues.
23/12/2024 13:32:00 Post reply
Louis dempster Email
You need to sort out the sink hole in manor road
24/12/2024 15:43:41 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
For those of you that may not be aware of what Louis is referring to, there is a dagerous pothole on Manor Road near the Ruth Popper Playground. There are now 4 cones blocking the location as the pothole reveals a very large 'sinkhole' beneath the road surface. It appears that this is caused by a water leak that has been erroding the earth beneath the road. I reported this incident to OCC Highway in my capacity of FixMyStreet Superuser when I became aware if it last week. As a super user, I can action the OCC Highways team to fix certain types of potholes within 28 day service agreement. In this case, I also escalated it as a safety critical issue, which OCC accepted and commtted to a 24 hr response time. I now understand that they riased it as an emergemcy to Thames Water as it was the result of a water leak. Thames Water duly marked it with the blue paint and put 4 cones around it to make it safe, but still hasn't repaired. I've been chasing them every day, but clearly Thames Water, and OCC Highways for that matter, are clearly under resoruced. I have inspected the sinkhole which appears to be only on the playground side of the road, so if people steer clear of the cones, the situation should at least be safe for now.
02/01/2025 11:17:27 Post reply
Alex Carter Email
I will follow up with OCC and Thames Water. On January 10, I will publish the result in the Henley Standard on the Whitchurch District page and here, too.
03/01/2025 17:28:31 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Thanks Alex, the latest as of today is that Thames Water's excuse is related to availability durihg the holidays and another urgent water related road issue in East Hagbourne which is meant to be addressed today. I have just had an update from OCC that Thames Water confirmed that the Manor Road issue in Whitchurch is under investigation, and OCC have requested that this be prioritised.
23/12/2024 11:51:04 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
Our 2024 Art Cafes have raised over £12,400 for local groups and good causes. A big Thank You and a Merry Christmas to all our organisers, cakemakers and other helpers, and also to all the local residents who come along and support them each week.
22/12/2024 10:46:38 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
A Karrimor anorak, black with yellow lining, has been left at The Old Stables. Please email if it's yours.
19/12/2024 12:04:37 Post reply
Eric Hartley Email
In my early walking and exploring days in Whitchurch I enjoyed wandering down Hardwick Road (little traffic in those days) to find Bozedown Farm in full operation with cattle in the yard and crops in the fields and the lovely old Barn in use.
As I explored further I reached the then Black Gates. I then discovered that I had a right of way to enter the Estate and admire the beautiful racehorses in the paddocks alongside and to proceed unhindered to the eastern gates. On using the single pedestrian gate I emerged into Mapledurham to find the nearby verge and the adjacent field alive with rabbits and that the crop in the field had been devastated by their hungry presence. Perhaps this had been or was a local Warren?
On returning to the Hardwick Estate and the road junction with Path Hill, I realised that the copse above me was also alive with rabbits, and indeed it was the source of supply within our village. It was possible on one weekday evening to visit the Greyhound and to ask for a rabbit for the following weekend. Our local ferret owner could be seen on the Saturday morning slipping his ferrets into the rabbit holes and capturing the rabbits as they emerged. Sure enough, one dead rabbit would be found later on our doorstep to be skinned and prepared for the pot.
One other memory of the road through the Hardwick Estate (a section of the Tuddingway- another story?) is of me picking the fallen walnuts from the trees lining the road, to be greeted by Old Lady Rose who said ‘Eric, I don’t mind you picking them up from the road, but you must not pick them off the trees.’ And I didn’t!
Wonderful memories for a former City lad.
13/12/2024 16:25:18 Post reply
Julie Weedon Email
I am looking for help with Margot (6) and Rosebud (2) from Monday Dec 30th for four days. From 10 am until 3 pm. Flexible if those times do not work. Preferably someone with experience but not essential.
11/12/2024 08:52:32 Post reply
David Mattimoe Email
Christmas carols and songs at the Greyhound. This Sunday come join us from 6pm-8pm. Carols with the Four Square Saxes followed by the Nevers Nevers playing all your Christmas favourites with a five piece horn section. Should be lots of family fun. Hope you can make it.
10/12/2024 14:03:00 Post reply
Wendy Ferguson Email
Little used Graco Junior Maxi Group 2/3 Car Seat in good condition, with instruction manual. Available for £15.00 (RRP £45.00). For more information, to see photo or come and view, please email me.
09/12/2024 14:10:53 Post reply
Barbara ROBINSON Email
There is a huge scaffold erected last week over the westside of Cedar Lodge and today they have put a roof on it.
Does anyone know why the scaffolding is needed?
09/12/2024 19:44:14 Post reply
David Green Email
Usually these structures protect the internal parts of a building from the weather whilst roof work is carried out. Maybe some of the completed gable end is going to be changed to comply with the actual permissions rather than their interpretation which has upset so many residents?
07/01/2025 10:19:05 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi David, this extra scaffolding is to protect the only remaining part of the roof that has not been completed to allow internal work on the building to continue. The work on the east facing gable is on hold until a decision is made by SODC on whether to allow the proposal from Zephyr X to increase the height of the gable over what had been approved in the building plans that were approved several years ago. The Parish Council has objected to the proposed change due to the impact on neighbouring properties and also objected a subsequent adjusted proposal that was reduced in size but still an increase over the originally approved plans.
04/12/2024 13:22:04 Post reply
Sally Woolhouse Email
Please can anyone throw any light on the disappearance of the 4 slim white posts that we put on the south verge near the village entrance on Hardwick Road? These were put there several days ago in an attempt to protect a section of the raised verge that had been driven over when the hedge overhang forced vehicles off the road. Without these inoffensive but effective protection measures, this will very soon become another muddy mess to add to all the others which are making Hardwick Road so unsightly. I despair!!
01/12/2024 12:42:01 Post reply
Emily D Email
FOR SALE - proceeds to Whitchurch Primary School charity account. Islabikes Cnoc 14" Small in Teal, mudguards & stabilisers, £120; FollowMe tandem bike hitch/ towbar (to attach child's bicycle to adult bike)£110; Thule Yepp Maxi child bicycle seat with seatpost attachment, fitted but unused, £50; Britax Romer Advansafix II SICT isofix child car seat, black with washable towelling seat covers, £30. Little Tikes Magic Doorbell Playhouse to give away. Near offers welcome, email if you'd like to view or see photos.
30/11/2024 08:48:00 Post reply
Anna Email
Hello jam and chutney makers. For sale, Lakeland stainless steel Maslin Pan (unused) perfect for making jam, chutney etc. Can also be used as a stockpot for soup. Will accept £30., ono.
28/11/2024 20:02:10 Post reply
Whitchurch on Thames Preschool Email
Whitchurch on Thames Preschool are recruiting:
Deputy Manager
Early Years Practitioner
Whitchurch on Thames Preschool is committed to safeguarding & promoting the welfare of children and
young people. The post holder will be subject to a DBS check. Please email Kathleen for more details
25/11/2024 16:49:12 Post reply
Susan Maguire Email
The local Chiltern Society team need someone to help look after the footpaths and bridleways in Whitchurch parish. For more information contact susan on 07835872791
25/11/2024 21:46:43 Post reply
Eric Hartley Email
Susan, Perhaps you should come and have coffee with me one morning in order to discuss our footpath network and its future monitoring?
01189842612 or 07890303993
25/11/2024 14:05:43 Post reply
Eric Hartley Email
Newcomers and our ‘Cocoon’
A number of houses in the village have recently changed hands. I am sure that the newcomers will be welcomed but they may not know or yet realise what a wise choice they have made.
In Whitchurch-on-Thames most of us not only live in a circumscribed ‘Conservation Area’ but also in another bubble - a ‘Cocoon’ where our daily life is unhindered by constant traffic noise or the presence of obvious commerce. We leave all that behind when we cross our Toll Bridge, perhaps that and other benefits are what we unknowingly also pay for?
The next immediate benefit is that we can immediately access the ‘Natural Beauty’ which greets us if we look or step outside - the Beech Woods are there for us to explore using the many footpaths, permissive paths and bridleways. But we also have immediate access to History - we are surrounded by reminders of those who have gone before us. From Achulean (pre Stone Age) hand axes and Stone Age Scrapers in our gardens to our daily use of one major ancient Highway and Trade Route. Before us thousands (millions?) of feet and hooves have travelled above the water courses carved out by our wandering Thames. One of these, the Tuddingway, was in Saxon times the dry Packhorse route from the East, from Reading to Mapledurham, to Whitchurch, to Goring and beyond; today we know it as Hardwick Road, the King Alfred Cycle Route, the Hartslock Bridleway and in parts the Thames Path, in all its many uses and guises. The Iron Age Fort (Encampment) sits above us as another immediate reminder of the Past, also the lower level Sheepwash Lane, its name similarly evokes thoughts of its past uses as it gives us our only main access to the river.
Access to all our major points of history Is immediately available to us, all our major paths and footpaths are suitably marked and described and await your boots.
The next benefit I have marked is the friendliness and neighbourliness of all our neighbours and villagers. But it may be true of all villages, this is the only one I have lived in for any length of time. Perhaps the close neighbourhood of most of the village - our Cocoon, enables this.
Lots of information and ‘views’ on the village website,
Enjoy the experience of being here.
Eric Hartley.
25/11/2024 12:45:51 Post reply
Angela Crompton Email
Anyone missing a air of specs?
I possibly picked them by mistake at Art Cafe on Saturday. Black frames in a Vision Express box...apologies!
23/11/2024 20:05:48 Post reply
Maurus Rimmer Email
I accidentally left my glasses in a black case at the Art Cafe this morning (23/11/24). They were not there when I returned. If anyone accidentally picked them up I would be very grateful if they would contact me.
Many thanks
19/11/2024 11:11:34 Post reply
Felipa House Email
New Senior Circuits class starting in Pangbourne village hall this Friday (22nd)
17/11/2024 09:06:03 Post reply
Alexa Email
Hi all. Can anyone recommend a swimming pool or hydrotherapy pool (not treadmill) for dogs in the local area?
Many thanks!
20/11/2024 19:38:08 Post reply
David Mattimoe Email
Caroline Hill at CS Hydrotherapy 07880 744 225. In Tilehurst. She has a pool and treadmill
07/01/2025 10:24:39 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Alexa, I aslo saw that there is a Barkshire Hydrotherapy services at Unit 10, Vanalloys Business Park, Stoke Row. Worth checking out!
15/11/2024 09:01:21 Post reply
Elizabeth ROBINSON Email
Does anyone need a gardener? I have a fantastic gardener who has capacity to take on more work and I can highly recommend him. He comes with all his own tools and is a hard worker
Contact me if interested - I have his card with contact details.
15/12/2024 13:27:48 Post reply
Angela Crompton Email
Contact number for gardener please.
15/11/2024 08:58:44 Post reply
Elizabeth ROBINSON Email
I would like to support the message left by Kate regarding the state of East field Lane and also the leaves on the pavements are so dangerous for pedestrians. I walked into Pangbourne and found the pavements very treacherous.
14/11/2024 20:53:39 Post reply
Urgent: Road Condition on Eastfield Lane
Can someone please provide an update on the current state of Eastfield Lane? The condition of the road has significantly worsened, with a large section of it falling apart. The situation is becoming dangerous, especially with parked cars opposite what is now a large "crater." It's increasingly difficult to avoid, and if not repaired soon, it’s going to cause serious damage to vehicles.
I've heard that the issue may be related to the care home workers, but this is further up the lane. This particular section has been deteriorating since August and is now much worse.
Please, can the council take immediate action to address this? It's a safety concern for drivers and pedestrians and needs urgent attention.
15/11/2024 09:04:09 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Kate, I am aware and fully agree! We discussed this at last night's Parish Council meeting and I will be following up on this.
12/11/2024 19:52:05 Post reply
Freddie Email
Hello. Does anyone know a Ms L A Siggers ? I have found there bank card on Hardwick road
12/11/2024 15:46:13 Post reply
Eric Hartley Email
Who has kindly installed a wooden garden seat 2/3rds of the way up the footpath running parallel to the road below which gives us access to our War Memorial?
Do users of that high level footpath know that it only exists because we ‘acquired’ it after the installation of the main gas grid pipeline below our feet. Before that I think we just walked up and down the road with only an occasional vehicle to disturb us (bliss!). However our Villagers from Whitchurch Hill had a field or safe roadside footpath all the way to our joint Memorial (another story!).
12/11/2024 15:13:03 Post reply
Eric Hartley Email
It was a pleasure on two recent weekend days to be able to walk down Eastfield Lane, as in the past, with only two local parked cars along its entire length. My memory tells me of late night walks with our first dog, 50+ years ago. I would turn down the glow worm illuminated entrance to the Allotment footpath, slip the dog lead and listen for the sound of claws running towards me - not knowing whether it was a badger or the dog. The badger sett was at the far right hand corner of the present Maze, but sadly destroyed some many years later.
When we emerged onto Eastfield Lane we would often be greeted by a solitary Owl sitting wisely on the electrical supply wires or their support and then we would move to lean on the gate leading into the field and watch for the local fox as he returned from his late night drink at the river and then crossed the field and the Lane to return to his den on the higher ground.
The silence of the Lane also evoked memories of John Holmes who protested volubly when he thought we had destroyed the only rural lane in his village by installing street lights. He said it won’t be long before there are buses running down the Lane - and he was right! His family had lived in the village for 300 years but he moved away in order to express his discontent.
Eric Hartley
Eric Hartley
11/11/2024 22:59:07 Post reply
Carrie L-H Email
Hello lovely people
Has anyone got an old school Overhead Projector we could borrow please? Xx
11/11/2024 07:20:19 Post reply
Alexa Email
Many thanks to the Parish council for arranging the proper clearance of the roadside drains throughout the village, important work as we head into the winter to reduce flood risk!
I feel compelled to add that I raised all the blocked drains on Hardwick Road and the top of the high street on “fix my street” in June 2023, so I am also rather disappointed at the lack of action by SODC/OCC before now…
I’d also like to ask about street sweeping, last year Hardwick road was only swept (partially) three times and twice of those times were at my request. Regular street sweeping, especially in the autumn with all the leaves but also throughout the year, would help prevent the blocked drains. It would be good to get a regular street sweeping schedule back in place (I understand years back it was every two weeks) to improve flood safety in the village. Is that something the PC can help ensure is implemented and carried out?
10/11/2024 09:45:57 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
RUN AN ART CAFÉ AND RAISE £200! Saturday 14th December has just become available. Running an Art Café is a sociable and fun way to raise £200 or more for your good cause in just 2 hours. We provide full support. Interested? Please contact me.
11/11/2024 16:34:35 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
Whitchurch Pre-School have kindly stepped in to run this Art Cafe. Please come along and support them on 14th December.
08/11/2024 13:00:20 Post reply
Frances Dixon Email
Hello all. We have a 3-bedroom terraced house in the centre of the village available for rent from end of November. Small garden, recently refurbished, off-street parking for 1 car. Ideally looking for a tenant for at least 6 months, and would be particularly happy to rent to people from the village. Email for more details.
07/11/2024 16:48:12 Post reply
Adrian Dixon Email
FREE! Vibrating exercise plate - multi-speed, resistance bands, remote control, etc. Great for home training and body shaping. No longer required, but in good condition!
01/11/2024 11:27:06 Post reply
Alexa Email
Hi all, just to let you know that I now work both Monday and Friday afternoon at the Boathouse Physiotherapy clinic in Pangbourne. Great for back pain, tension etc and many medical conditions as well sports recovery.
Give them a ring on 0118 9767 189 or email on the link above
I still offer flexible appointment times at my home treatment room in Whitchurch too!
29/10/2024 11:04:31 Post reply
Jas V Email
Hello! My name is Jas, I have a degree in Psychology and Child Development and have 5 years of nannying experience. I have the most experience with newborn up to the ages of 4, although have worked with older ages too. I am familiar with the area due to a previous role to which I can provide a reference for! I am looking for a part time nanny role (25 hours ish). Do get in touch if this is something you are looking for!
05/11/2024 15:15:42 Post reply
Art & Craft Exhibition Committee Email
Art & Craft Exhibition - now only 18 days away! Get your art, photos, crafts, etc together ready for the exhibition. Online registration of entries starts at 00:01 AM on Saturday 9th November. Attention local school parents: While your child's school might be submitting a group entry, if you want your child to be eligible for a prize, you must enter their work into the exhibition separately. Full details, timetable, rules and how to enter can be seen at link
15/10/2024 14:41:29 Post reply
Sadly a cat was hit by a car and killed in the upper narrows on the high street today. It’s white, Black and Tan coloured. A builder doing work on a nearby house pick it off the road and has left it I see the large tree outside the White House. He asked me to try to let people know online. I hope someone can find its owners so they know… :(
14/10/2024 23:25:34 Post reply
Art & Craft committee
In the message below, the web address has got a full stop on the end. The correct address for the Information is is link thanks!
14/10/2024 15:40:48 Post reply
Art & Craft Exhibition Committee Email
Someone is tearing down posters advertising village events. We put up eight A4 laminated posters regarding this year's Art & Craft exhibition on Wednesday morning last week: by 8AM on Thursday, at least five of them had been torn down and removed! These are mostly telegraph pole sites around the High Street and Eastfield Lane where we (and others) have been putting posters for many years. On mentioning this to other villagers we found that several people have experienced this problem recently, including one person who found her poster dumped in a nearby waste bin. This is not just some kids walking by and mindlessly pulling them down: this is someone who does not want posters displayed and who is methodically removing them. Does anyone know who is doing this or why? We would like to hear, via this message board please, from anyone who has any comments or ideas to offer about how this can be stopped. It’s hard enough organising an event without this mean-spirited sabotage! By the way, the 2024 Art and Craft exhibition is on the 23rd and 24th November so start creating now! You can see full details at link Thanks for reading and we look forward to hearing what people have to say.
14/10/2024 11:52:31 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
The Ferryboat: there’s been a contractor on site to-day installing new kitchen equipment on behalf of Star Pubs. So things are happening, albeit very slowly!
18/10/2024 13:46:21 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
The Ferryboat: after the delays caused by getting the power supply upgraded and flood damage repaired, Star Pubs have told me that they are having a “reset” over the re-opening. They are now going to make sure everything is ready to go, including any legal and regulatory etc issues, before recruiting a new tenant/manager who can go straight in and start trading. They cannot yet commit to a date…
14/10/2024 11:31:44 Post reply
Kate Preston Email
MISSING CAT Dear all, we adopted a cat last weekend and last night he seems to have got out of a 3in opening on the first floor window fanlight. He’s microchipped but the collar and name tag have only just arrived in the post so he’s not wearing them. If you see him, please could you let me know. He’s an adult ginger Tom, quite small and delicate, very shy and skittery. He’s called Bob. I’m not even sure if he knows that’s his name yet.
I have photos but can’t post them on here. Thank you!
All best, Kate
16/10/2024 09:14:11 Post reply
Kate Preston Email
BOB THE CAT is back home! Thank you so much to everyone who responded with such care and kindness. In the midst of searching for the little monkey, I spoke to neighbours I'd never met before, who were all so kind and helpful - a lovely reminder of the fantastic community we have here in the village. We managed to corral Bob at midnight, and now he's safely back home. I'm sure he’ll be 'on tour' again once he’s settled in, but at least he now knows how to find his way home!
08/10/2024 19:28:02 Post reply
Whitchurch Primary School Email
We are delighted to announce that we are currently offering tours with our headteacher for families considering a reception place for September 2025. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to explore our school environment, meet our dedicated staff, and ask any questions you may have about our curriculum and the experiences we offer our pupils.
We understand that choosing the right school for your child is a significant decision. Our tours are designed to provide you with a comprehensive insight into what makes Whitchurch a fantastic place for your child’s early education. Whether you have specific questions or simply wish to get a feel for our school community, we encourage you to come along.
If you would like to book a tour, please get in touch with our school office at 0118 9842347or email us at We will be more than happy to arrange a convenient time for you to visit.
07/10/2024 08:40:25 Post reply
Jon Ashford Email
Know that the end is in sight for the construction works at Eastfield House. What is the Parish Councils view of repairing the quality of the road surface. The heavy plant movement plus the constant movement & parking of sub-contractors vehicles has trashed the quality of the surface. If my memory serves me rightly the bottom end of Eastfield Lane was re-surfaced approx 3 years ago. The top end of the Lane was not included within this works package. I have had a discussion with the site manager and he advised that they have no responsibility or requirement to re-surface the lane. Even though they have created the issue. I hope that as part of the Planning agreement SODC gave the Developer a condition to either repair or pay for the repair. Can a member of the Parish Council enquire what is the medium long term solution. As the construction works are coming to an end and the Fit-out works well underway. It would not be great if post completion the Road surface was left in the state of dis-repair it is currently in. Surely this has been accounted for within the Local plan.
31/10/2024 19:13:35 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Jon, I have followed up with both the Cedar Lodge contractor and OCC Highways and they are in agreement that the contractor will repair any damage to the road and verges caused by construction. This needs to be done once construction is completed which is now planned for March 2025. The contractor actually filmed the condition of the road before they started work and will return it to that state once finished. They have also been doing some repairs as they go along, but it is ongoing and a bit of a mess, I agree. As a resident of Eastfield Lane, I am sure that you are aware that there are actually 4 different significant constructioin projects going on at the moment, not just Cedar Lodge, and now a fifth, the pre-school replacement, has just started, so it is not reasonable that one construction project no matter how large, is responsible for resurfacing the road. The Parish Council has raised the need to resurface Eastfield Lane and parts of Manor Road and Hardwick Road to OCC Highways that they will consider for planned road maintenance in FY25/26.
03/10/2024 08:28:56 Post reply
Alexa Email
Hi all, I wondering if anyone can recommend a painter and decorator? The one we’ve previously used is no longer replying to messages. Many thanks!
30/09/2024 10:59:09 Post reply
Rosemary Postlethwaite Email
I wonder if anyone could recommend a local roofing company please. Many thanks Rosemary.
03/10/2024 16:53:47 Post reply
Emily Email
We've used Jason from Roofing with Style 07578 586141. Very experienced and knowledgeable with a great work ethic, can highly recommend.
26/09/2024 07:56:13 Post reply
Laura Email
Just a reminder that if you have any comments on the latest Eastfield House planning application, the deadline is tomorrow. Because a Section 73 sits alongside existing plans, rather than superseding them, the number of approved bedrooms would be increased to 51. Thank you.
23/09/2024 12:21:42 Post reply
Rowland Light Email
FREE: 3x John Lewis breakfast bar stools natural wood colour:
Collection only from Whitchurch on Thames
29/09/2024 11:40:42 Post reply
Rowland Email
Stools have now been taken thank you all
23/09/2024 10:26:45 Post reply
Sally Woolhouse Email
Lost Property - a dark navy cardigan was left behind at the Maze after the Apple Pressing event yesterday afternoon. Please get in touch with me if you think it is yours!
22/09/2024 15:16:21 Post reply
Kate Email
Does anyone have an annexe or spare room that they would like to rent out over Christmas? We are looking for a couple of spare rooms. Thank you!
21/09/2024 18:14:41 Post reply
Barbara ROBINSON Email
Does anyone have spare / not needed Demi John's please? Happy to buy them.
18/09/2024 15:05:20 Post reply
Nick Brazil Email
I am in the RBH all day Friday from 7:30 a.m. Can any kind person look after Harold for at least part of the day? I would be eternally grateful. My phone number is 01189841602.
15/09/2024 13:02:58 Post reply
David Robinson Email
Now that I am recovering from my cycling accident, I have some mobility equipment that I no longer need and I would like to offer the items for free to anyone who can make use of them.
Perching stool
Helper trolley
Walking frame
Shower seat
14/09/2024 10:35:20 Post reply
Mel Taylor Email
Is the pavement repair outside the Ferryboat finished? It looks hideous!! Can the Parish Council speak to the contractors?
17/09/2024 17:20:07 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Mel, I have ideed raised a complaint to OCC on this. I agree it is completely unstasfactory - albeit slightly amusing as it appears to me like a small child's attempt at modern art ;-)
10/09/2024 16:27:11 Post reply
Chris Martin Email
Lake District holiday 2-6 June 2025 five days. Coach departs from Pangbourne. If interested please contact Holiday includes cruises on Lake Winermere and Ullswater.
08/09/2024 21:17:17 Post reply
Anna Email
Against Breast Cancer walk Sunday 15 September. Marshalls still needed please to guide walkers coming down Whitchurch hill onto Hardwick Rd. If you can help please email me or phone me on 07979758727. Thank you in anticipation
08/09/2024 10:06:58 Post reply
Adrian Dixon Email
Thanks to everyone who came to the quiz evening in the Village Hall yesterday. Special thanks must also go to Jean Marc who prepared the superb supper and to John Bradon who did much organising. I hope you all enjoyed it and we had the "hardness" balance about right. Thanks again and see you next time I hope!
10/09/2024 18:37:45 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Well done Adrian and everyone involved! It was a fun night and a packed hall - hope the Village Hall fundraising was successful!
31/08/2024 15:35:39 Post reply
Alexa Email
Round oak effect ikea coffee table free to a good home
Good condition, 90cm deep and wide, 48cm tall
Email me on the link above if you’d like it or want to see a photo!
27/08/2024 19:21:42 Post reply
Louise Basson Email
Anyone lost a key by the ferry boat? I’ve put it on the window sill by the pub. It’s a single Endurance key on a NZ Olympic tag
27/08/2024 10:13:57 Post reply
Adrian Dixon Email
Quiz evening - 7th September at the Village Hall, to raise funds for the Village Hall. A few tables still available, £12 per head to include supper. Please email or call 07973 187139 for more details. Look forward to seeing you there!
24/08/2024 12:51:45 Post reply
Please can someone let me know where I can find more information about the road closure from Monday 9th September?
Is this for the full 5 days without any residential access?
24/08/2024 15:53:13 Post reply
Richard Wingfield Email
Hello Kate - I have updated the news item, which now has more detailed information on the closure. I hope that helps. Richard Wingfield, News Editor
29/08/2024 22:08:15 Post reply
Nicholas Plumridge Email
Richard still not totally clear tbh. Ate we saying that for 5 days from 9th September (or 2nd depending on the actual date) no vehicles will be able to go from the High Street across the bridge into Pangbourne due to the road closure ?
30/08/2024 12:07:37 Post reply
Richard Wingfield Email
The road closure start date and duration are currently both unclear. I have complained to SSE and asked for clarification. If anyone finds out what is planned please send a message. I think the five day duration is the maximum that can be applied for and the closure may be shorter. It is a complete closure, not a traffic light controlled delay.
23/08/2024 09:01:13 Post reply
David Robinson Email
Can anyone please recommend a cleaner to help with our housework?
16/08/2024 14:52:52 Post reply
Laura Email
Due to a change of venue for Sadhama's yoga retreat, Hardwick's riverside campsite is unexpectedly available for bookings next week and over the bank holiday weekend: link
14/08/2024 08:27:42 Post reply
Glennis Graff Email
As a new resident to our beautiful village can I congratulate the Parish Council on their “stop the cars” efforts. Whilst I have already heard mutterings about the newly erected signage, I for one think they bring a certain retro look to our high street.
Glennis Graff
18/08/2024 14:17:00 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Thanks you Glennis and welcom to our lovely village!
13/08/2024 14:45:19 Post reply
Anna Email
The Against Breast Cancer walk will take place again this year, on SUNDAY 15th September. Stewards are needed please, to guide the walkers onto Hardwick Road, in the morning, as they come down Whitchurch Hill. If you can spare some time to help, please contact me by email or tel. 07979758727. Thank you.
12/08/2024 11:05:10 Post reply
Alexa Email
There are a couple of slots open for Sports and Remedial Massage with me at the Boathouse Physio in Pangbourne this Friday, give them a call to book! Great for back pain, tension etc and many medical conditions as well sports recovery.
You can always book in with me from my home treatment room on Hardwick Road too. Click the email link to drop me a line!
08/08/2024 15:02:19 Post reply
Chris Martin Email
Two tickets now available for Oliver! 13th August at Chichester Festival Theatre.
08/08/2024 14:29:08 Post reply
Chris Martin Email
One spare ticket for Oliver! at Chichester Festival Theatre on Tuesday, 13th August. Cost £57. Coach departs Pangbourne, opposite the Laundrette, at 9.00am
05/08/2024 18:43:27 Post reply
alex Email
Free to new home. Kids TP combined climbing frame and slide. Very well used, but still fully operational with no broken pieces. Will need to be disassembled and transported by new owner. Currently located in Swanston field.
05/08/2024 07:36:45 Post reply
Liz Email
Hi Whitchurch - does anyone have a static bicycle I could borrow for a short while please. I am recovering from hip surgery and my physiotherapist has advised static cycling. (After David's terrible accident 2 weeks ago I don't fancy cycling on the roads again.)
31/07/2024 14:06:57 Post reply
Chris Martin Email
The knock on affect of restricted parking in the High Street is already being felt, especially within the vicinity of the Village Hall. The car park is often used by those wanting to leave their cars somewhere for one reason or another. It is becoming increasing difficult for elderly members of cllubs such as the bridge clu b to get close access to the Hall with number of cars being parked outside.
02/08/2024 16:15:37 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Chris, I spoke to the Village Hall team about this and they confirmed that whilst parking was a bit tight for the last bridge club meeting, there was no one parking in the Village Hall car park that shouldn't have been or on Manor Road other than local residents. I need to point out that the situation has nothing to do with the planned High Street residents parking scheme which won't be implemented until later in August to make sure that people don't get the wrong idea. The situation was purley down to the continued popularity of the bridge club which should be seen as a good thing!
28/07/2024 22:33:25 Post reply
Phil Scott Email
Wanted to make everyone aware there was a theft from a parked (unlocked) van outside our house between 645-730pm Sunday 28th evening. It’s been reported to police by the victim and if anyone on Hardwick Rd has cctv they can check, the thieves stole a black bag. Thanks, Phil and Emily
05/08/2024 18:51:16 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
So sorry to hears this Phil. Thank you for alerting everyone so we can be more vigilant.
28/07/2024 12:59:26 Post reply
David Robinson Email
I read the article in the Bulletin about the village hall events. As a member of the Whitchurch Photographic Society, I would like to comment on the reason given in the article for its closure. Mobile phones do indeed take technically excellent photos but that doesn’t mean that people no longer need the learn about photography. Creating a compelling image is about composition, lighting, mood and many other creative skills. This has been true since artists started putting paint onto canvas. New technology only assists us with the creative process. There is much that can be learnt about the creative process and this where joining a photographic club can help. You don’t need a fancy camera; your phone is fine. I am considering moving to the Thatcham club which has a fresh take on the traditional camera club format. Shame it’s a half drive rather than a 10 minute walk.
01/08/2024 07:26:20 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Well said David! As a fellow photopgrapher I agree that people don't really appreciated the skills involved in photography. Its very easy to take photos with your phone, but still difficult to take really good or even great photographs.
18/07/2024 22:14:14 Post reply
Barbara ROBINSON Email
Can anyone put me in touch with the young lad who came round last week asking about mowing the lawn please?
17/07/2024 10:09:29 Post reply
Peter N Cunningham Email
I have many books that are factual and informative books ... that I that need to dispose of ...
... Please contact ... with respective to any interest ... !?!
18/07/2024 06:16:31 Post reply
Hi Peter,
There is a book library in the old red phone box at the entrance of Manor road.
I have also noticed a 'free' book give away box on the bench outside the primary school on warmer weekends.
Maybe Oxfam or 'freecycle' can take them?
10/07/2024 17:04:50 Post reply
Whitchurch on Thames Pre school Email
Can you help?
We are looking for items for our end of year raffle.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated to add to our hamper.
Thank you in advance
10/07/2024 13:25:20 Post reply
Jonathan Steward Email
Wanted wooden furniture to upcycle and sell to make money for Oppos Farm which provides respite for HM Forces Veterans, we will either pass it on to the Veteran directly or upcycle it to provide respite or train them to farm sheep to give them a skill and we will help them find land and teach them how to keep records and navigate defra's paperwork and red tape
07/07/2024 10:16:46 Post reply
Robin Email
FREE Bosch WTA 3100 Tumbledryer
Very good condition, includes quantity of ducting for exhaust. Approx 60cm wide x 53cm deep x 85cm tall. Collection from Alms Houses, Goring Heath.
04/07/2024 10:16:55 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
Re The Ferryboat. Star Pubs have told me that further electrical work is planned for September, after which it will be ready to open.
03/07/2024 10:29:34 Post reply
Pippa Ruxton Email
Excellent and comfortable sofabed available! Currently listed at very low price with photos on here: link
The frame is 210 width, 97 depth, 65 height. Then cushions on top of that.
Please get in touch if interested.
01/07/2024 19:36:45 Post reply
Trudi Benzie Email
Has anyone got one of those old portable vhs tvs that I could borrow please?
01/07/2024 13:11:32 Post reply
Alastair Dunstan Email
If anyone is interested in being paid to model for a large-ish traditional oil painting (portrait), we might need somebody and would pay around £12/hour plus travel if needed, for occasional days for a lot of the Summer, one or two days a week.
Nothing firmly planned yet but if anybody knows somebody, we can contact them if we come up with a design that suits the person
Please email with a photo if interested
Thank you!
17/06/2024 19:20:05 Post reply
Denise Huxtable Email
Small wicker hamper with hinged lid free to anyone who would like it. 70cm wide, 33cm deep and 34cm high. It has been used to hold soft toys for quite a while - shows some signs of age but still useful. Contact me for photos or to come and have a look.
16/06/2024 11:12:03 Post reply
Richard and Susan Scearce Email
We thank you for the Whitchurch award on Thursday, we have to say that we are very surprised and humbled for being thought of in this way. We have lived in the village for many years and have never considered it a chore helping others out. Once again, thank you for considering us in this way.
Sue and Richard.
27/06/2024 09:39:51 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
I know that everyone was so pleased that we could honour you both at the recent Annual Assembly. The two of you are a real role model of working together as a true partnership. I always see you two together. And all your work for the Village Hall and Church over the years make you unsung heros of the village!
11/06/2024 09:28:14 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
This Saturday's Art Cafe (15th June) is CANCELLED. Unfortunately Langtree PTA has been unable to put a team of helpers together, and there is insufficient time to find a replacement.
11/06/2024 05:37:10 Post reply
Anna Email
FOR SALE. Unused Tri-colour ink cartridge HP302. Wrong one purchased. Will accept £30.00.
10/06/2024 08:58:36 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
It is proposed that the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) on Thursday will start at 7.15 pm and last for just 45 minutes, notwithstanding the fact that the APM’s in 2022 and 2023 each lasted for 1 hour 45 minutes.
The Local Government Act 1972 makes it mandatory to hold an APM as an important part of the local democratic process at which electors receive reports from their councilors and local organisations, and have the opportunity to have their say on local issues. It is not in the spirit of the Act to unreasonably time-limit the APM and restrict discussion. It would be possible for those present on Thursday to vote to keep the APM going for as long as they considered necessary, but a better solution would be for the Parish Council planned for 8pm to be postponed now.
This would allow the APM to follow its normal course with the usual reports from local organisations and sufficient time for electors to have their say.
10/06/2024 14:44:34 Post reply
Jim Donahue Email
Hi Geoff, not sure where you are getting your information from, but this Thursday's Annual Asseumb start at 7pm with drinls and nibbles for a 7:15 pm start in the Village Hall. We estimate it to be finished by 9pm. The Parish Council will be holdoing a brief meeting followig the Assembly to cover critical decisions that need to be made this month. We estimnate the start of the follow on PC meeting will be be at 9pm, not 8pm, but it will depend on when the Annual Assembly is completed. There is no time limit on the Assembly meeting. Everyone on the village is encouraged to attend the meeting to hear what is happpening in the village from a variety of local organisations. The annual Whitchurch Award will be presented at the closure of the annual Assembly.
10/06/2024 15:07:49 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
I got my information from the What's On section above, which had been saying 8pm for the PC Meeting for several days until you got it changed to 9pm just now. I'm now happy that there'll be sufficient time for the APM.
04/06/2024 20:05:55 Post reply
Amy Park Email
Hello, I’m Amy. I have just finished university, where I spent three years studying Childhood Studies. I have over three years experience working in a nursery, and I am looking for babysitting jobs in my spare time. I am pretty flexible regarding availability, including some daytimes, evenings, weekends, as well as extra help over the summer holidays! I live in the village and would love to hear from anyone who needs babysitting at anytime😊
31/05/2024 16:35:46 Post reply
Dylan & Cindy Gardener-Collins. Email
Good Afternoon.
We are urgently seeking to rent a mooring space for our 70ft narrow boat that is our home. We are both professionals who work locally & we very much would love to stay in the area. If you can assist in any way we would be very grateful. Please email or call 07400999948. Thank you & kind regards
01/06/2024 09:08:23 Post reply
Hi have you tried speaking to Hardwick Estate Office? They have moorings on the Estate in Pangbourne.
Tel: 0118 9842955
31/05/2024 12:20:53 Post reply
Anna Email
Black rimmed glasses found on 30th May, outside Wells House, High Street, Whitchurch.
26/05/2024 17:23:27 Post reply
Adrian Dixon Email
Free! I have three extension leads which I don't need. Let me know if you'd like them. They look a bit like this one on Amazon, link
11/05/2024 11:12:38 Post reply
Phil Scott Email
Message for Nick Brazil - he left his mobile on the bench when he was watching the kids football earlier. Please can someone pass on to him. Thanks!
13/05/2024 08:06:08 Post reply
Nick Brazil Email
Thank you very much for that Phil! A kind couple rescued if for me!! It is now back with me.
02/05/2024 10:32:21 Post reply
Martin Neal Email
Mooring for rent at Walliscote Moorings, just off the High Street in Whitchurch. Please contact me if interested.
01/05/2024 17:50:40 Post reply
Adrian Dixon Email
I have 6 boxes of vanilla Nespresso coffee capsules which I don't want (58 capsules). I was given them by someone who's stopped using their machine. They're yours for free if you'd like them! Am happy to deliver if you're nearby.
07/05/2024 09:40:05 Post reply
Mel Taylor Email
Hi. If no one else has asked for these, I would happily take them of your hands. Many thanks, Mel.
01/05/2024 15:54:44 Post reply
James Email
Can anyone recommend a local roofer with experience of significant repairs to / replacement of period property roofs. Many thanks
03/05/2024 02:37:25 Post reply
Beth Baxter Email
We just used these guys and they were brilliant, a really high standard of work. link
04/05/2024 17:20:49 Post reply
Emily Davies Email
We've used Jason from Roofing with Style. Very experienced and knowledgeable with a great work ethic, can highly recommend. link
30/04/2024 10:26:34 Post reply
Katherine Higley Email
If you have removed a garden fork from the Manor Road Conservation Area please could you return it? Thank you.
29/04/2024 13:21:56 Post reply
Debbie Leach Email
Does anyone have a free standing Basketball hoop with backboard that you can donate to SMYC? We started the St Mary's Youth Club in the Old Stables last Friday and we had 23 kids come along!! We'd like to be able to shoot some basketball hoops outside on the drive. Thank you.
02/05/2024 19:29:09 Post reply
Debbie Leach Email
A Basketball hoop has kindly been donated.
Thank you very much.
27/04/2024 07:43:55 Post reply
Whitchurch Pre School Email
Our building urgently needs replacing. The current building has supported local children for 30+ years but now must be replaced.
We have some cash, but we need more. To support our cause go to :
26/04/2024 19:59:20 Post reply
Liz Crookshank Email
I have a dinner/tea service consisting of 6 dinner plates, 6 side plate, 6 soup/desert bowls, 6 cups and 6 saucers and would like to know if anyone would be interested in buying it from me. It is blue rimmed with a gold edge. Not suitable for the microwave because of the gold rim. Contact via the email and I can show pictures.
24/04/2024 20:41:49 Post reply
Whitchurch Primary School Email
We still have spaces in our Reception 24 class. Please contact your admissions authority before 30th April to be considered in the next round of applications.
19/04/2024 17:46:14 Post reply
Eleanor Sugrue Email
FOUND: pair of glasses in a case at the junction of Swanston & Hardwick (nearest to the High Street). We have them at home (Wellesley House, top of the high street).
19/04/2024 17:37:35 Post reply
Diana Marriott Email
Lost…..Precious reading glasses in black sunglasses case …. Boule on the outside of the case,! In the Ferryboat carpark at about 4.30 pm. Reward if found!!!
21/04/2024 08:39:40 Post reply
Mel Taylor Email
I saw them by a white car parked in the car park on Friday and popped them on the windscreen. Assumed they had fallen from the car.
18/04/2024 05:18:58 Post reply
Keith Sloan Email
Have lost a dark brown leather rectangular pencil case.
Various eraser pencils, Apple pencil, Parker pen, various pencils, small brass sharpener.
17/04/2024 17:27:48 Post reply
Tim Hardwick Email
As mentioned a few months ago, please could other villagers help with taking medical blister packs for recycling to Superdrug in Reading? There has been an overwhelming response to the recycling initiative, such that the cardboard collection box in the phone box on the High Street is now getting full within a week! Although I don't often have other reasons for going into central Reading, I have been taking them to Superdrug in Broad Street, where there is a collection point at the rear of the shop next to the pharmacy counter. If others could also take some when visiting Reading, it would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise I may need to abandon the scheme. Thank you.
17/04/2024 07:46:55 Post reply
Rosemary Postlethwaite Email
Free. I have a large Panasonic television in good working order looking for a new home.
15/04/2024 09:08:40 Post reply
leslie Email
Does anyone know if the Goring Streatley rd is now open please?
14/04/2024 20:14:50 Post reply
Kathy Aitchison Email
We have some beautiful miniature labradoodle puppies looking for homes. They will be chipped, immunised and health checked. Ready in May.
13/04/2024 16:05:36 Post reply
Chris Hilton Email
Hi - we have listed a few items on Facebook Marketplace ahead of a move in a few weeks:
- Exercise bike link
- Metal framed double bed and almsot new mattress link
- Dining chairs link
- Arm chair link
- Clic-clac style sofa bed link
*Offers accepted* for any of these items, for local collection from Whitchurch
Don't hesitate to drop a message if you have any interest.
11/04/2024 18:08:35 Post reply
Jane M. Yamamoto Email
Have you left your mobile phone at the Village Hall after taking Afternoon Tea today? Please let me know by email or posting a reply here or by calling me (if you can!) on 07876714906.
12/04/2024 09:43:53 Post reply
Jane M. Yamamoto Email
Mobile phone has been returned to its owner!
11/04/2024 12:28:08 Post reply
jean marc vincent grosfort Email
there are the keys of the cupboard for material in kitchen store
05/04/2024 11:57:11 Post reply
Kathy Aitchison Email
We are in need of any spare newspapers as our new puppies are at the stage when we’re going through them at a rate of knots. Many thanks in advance :-)
03/04/2024 14:03:55 Post reply
Geoff Weir Email
A child's red "Marvel" jacket has been left at The Old Stables. Please contact me if it's yours.
02/04/2024 08:36:44 Post reply
Sally Woolhouse Email
FOUND at the Maze - a brand new 'Easter' baking tray, with special shapes for bunnies and eggs. Please get in touch if you think it is yours! (Link to email here)
27/03/2024 09:55:39 Post reply
Jane Goodey Email
Has anyone got a wallpaper stripper that I can borrow for the weekend? I have only a tiny bit of wallpaper that I need to remove so feel a little begrudged in buying one! Thanks x
26/03/2024 19:14:11 Post reply
Vic Email
Just a heads up. My cat is off to the vet tomorrow for a groom under sedation. Judging by the amount of mats there are, I can only imagine it will be a shave - like last year! 😫 If you see a bald, old, skinny (he is mostly fluff), miserable looking black and white cat in the Swanston field, Eastfield Lane and Hardwick Road area, he is mine. He has just been "groomed". Please let any workmen/builders know he is OK and not ill, lost or had a run in with a lawn mower. Thank you!
25/03/2024 14:44:06 Post reply
Mary Kernan Email
I have a pleco (sucker fish) and a little prawn and a vertical fish tank that need a new home. Would anyone like them?
20/03/2024 17:02:16 Post reply
Claire Email
Hello, has anyone got a largish shed they don't need any more, ideally without rot? I'm looking for one for my allotment. Thanks.
19/03/2024 11:10:34 Post reply
Brenda Fearn Email
Can anyone recommend a person who looks after a dog in their home or house and dog sits in the owner’s home whilst the owner is on holiday, please? Our relative who usually looks after our three year old show Cocker Spaniel is unable to help this year. Of course we don’t expect a free holiday for Buddy, and realise at least £50 a day is the normal sort of fee. Not keen to use a kennel as he’s very much a family dog and used to company!
20/03/2024 07:50:10 Post reply
Graham roberts Email
I have some experience in the canine field if you can contact me giving more details. I am based in the pangbourne area.
Kind regards,
17/03/2024 17:37:59 Post reply
Alexa Email
I am looking to sell my road bike as we come into the spring riding season! It’s a Giant Avail 3, very lightly used for the last 10 years since its purchase. Aluminium frame, medium to large women’s size. Please email me with the link to this post if you or anyone you know is interested!
14/03/2024 11:22:10 Post reply
Gill Email
Good morning, does anybody know if ‘Theale Gas’ is still in business? I’ve tried phoning Jon numerous times, and he is not answering the phone or his messages.
Does anyone know of another very good reliable plumber if all else fails?
Many thanks - Gill
17/03/2024 17:34:26 Post reply
I know he had his phone hacked last year and has had all sort of problems as a result of that. We’ve not managed to contact him recently either.