Church of St Mary the Virgin

St. Mary's church, looking from the south

More views of the church are available in the Photo Gallery

The Parish Church

The parish church in Whitchurch seeks to witness to the life and call of Jesus Christ, gathering for worship on Sundays and in smaller groups at other times during the week, and looking outward to serve our community. This webpage gives you a glimpse of some of our activities. For up-to-date details of services and events, see our website here.

Our historic church building, St. Mary’s, is on the Thames Path and the St. Frideswide’s Way pilgrimage route, and it sees many visitors come inside for a quiet moment in a beautiful place that has been home to centuries of prayer and worship. For the history of the church building see here.

The ecclesiastical parish of Whitchurch, consisting of the villages of Whitchurch-on-Thames and Whitchurch Hill, is part of the Langtree Team Ministry in the Church of England Diocese of Oxford. The church of St. John the Baptist, Whitchurch Hill also belongs to the parish.

Who's Who

Our Team Vicar is the Rev’d James Leach (picture below) and our churchwardens are Ken Baker and Paul Witcher. James can be contacted at 0118 9765905 or email:

Sunday Services

Sunday services in the parish are held at 9.30 am at St. Mary’s Whitchurch on Thames on the first and third Sundays of the month and at St. John’s Whitchurch Hill on the second and fourth Sundays. For full details of services please see our website here.

Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals

We’re also there at major life events when people want to give thanks for a child, to mourn the death of a loved one or to begin married life. Please contact the Team Vicar if you wish to explore any of these (see Who’s Who section).

Tuesday Community Coffee Mornings

Every week there is a Community Coffee Morning held in the Old Stables from 10:30 am until 12 noon. All are welcome.

Tots on the Hill

Every week there is a Community Coffee Morning heThe church runs a baby and toddler group every Thursday morning from 10.00 am to 11.30 am during term time at Goring Heath Parish Hall in Whitchurch Hill.

St. Mary's Youth Club for school years 6 to 8

Our youth club for years 6 to 8 meets on Friday evenings during term time from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm at the Old Rectory Stables. Currently alternating between evenings for year 6 and evenings for years 7 and 8. Contact the Team Vicar (see Who’s Who section) for up-to-date details.

Saturday Art Cafe

Whitchurch’s community Art Café opens each Saturday from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm in the Old Stables bringing people in to chat with friends and raise money for a variety of good causes.


Our group of bellringers meets on Wednesday evenings to practise and welcomes newcomers. More information here.

Old Stables Meeting Room

In partnership with the diocese, we have a parish meeting room in the old stable block next to Rectory Cottage, Whitchurch on Thames. This facility allows small groups from the whole community to come together in attractive surroundings, as well as providing a venue for church meetings.
If you wish to book the Old Stables Meeting Room, please contact Geoff Weir at


We have a Parish of Whitchurch (St Mary’s and St John’s) Parish Safeguarding Policy - please see here.

Further Links

Read the latest edition of the Parish Magazine

There is a background story of St. John's Church, Whitchurch Hill, on our Village History page.