What's On

To have an event included here contact the Events Editor

Wed 3 JulWEDNESDAY GET-TOGETHER - 2.00 pm-4.00 pm - The Old Stables - details attached.A get-together with a cup of tea and a word game or a singalong for our more elderly residents and their younger friends. Alternate Wednesdays between 2pm and 4pm. All are welcome. Any queries to Tinamintern@hotmail.com
Thu 4 JulGrey Bin Collection.
Thu 4 JulGENERAL ELECTION - voting in the village hall from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm.
Fri 5 JulJAZZ AT THE OLD STABLES - 7.00-9.00 pm - further details attached.Featuring WoTJam - £5 including a glass of wine or soft drink - cash only please. Doors open from 6.30 pm.
Sat 6 JulART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Whitchurch Primary School.The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Thu 11 JulGreen and Brown Bin Collection.
Thu 11 JulPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Village Hall.
Fri 12 JulST MARY'S YOUTH CLUB - joint end of year disco - 7.30-9.00 pm - Village Hall - poster attached.poster....
Sat 13 JulMAZE WORKING PARTY - 10.00 am - poster attached. poster...
Sat 13 JulART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Pangbourne Patient Participation Group.The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Thu 18 JulGrey Bin Collection.
Sat 20 JulART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of St Mary's Youth Club.The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Sat 20 JulART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of St Mary’s Youth Club. The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Thu 25 JulGreen and Brown Bin Collection.
Sat 27 JulART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Pangbourne Twinning Association. The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Thu 8 AugAFTERNOON TEAS at The Village Hall, Manor Road, from 2.30pm to 4:30pm - All welcome!Poster....
Sat 10 AugMAZE WORKING PARTY - 10.00 am - poster attached. poster....
Thu 12 SepAFTERNOON TEAS at The Village Hall, Manor Road, from 2.30pm to 4:30pm - All welcome!Poster....
Thu 12 SepPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Village Hall.
Sat 14 SepMAZE WORKING PARTY - 10.00 am - poster attached. poster....
Sun 15 SepBREAST WALK EVER passing through Whitchurch.flyer....
Thu 10 OctAFTERNOON TEAS at The Village Hall, Manor Road, from 2.30pm to 4:30pm - All welcome!Poster....
Thu 10 OctPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Village Hall.
Sat 12 OctMAZE WORKING PARTY - 10.00 am - poster attached. poster....
Sat 12 OctMUSICAL EVENING - St Mary's Church at 7.00 pm - a mix of different musical styles, something to suit everyone's tastes.
Sat 9 NovMAZE WORKING PARTY - 10.00 am - poster attached. poster....
Thu 14 NovAFTERNOON TEAS at The Village Hall, Manor Road, from 2.30pm to 4:30pm - All welcome!Poster....
Thu 14 NovPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Village Hall.
Thu 12 DecAFTERNOON TEAS at The Village Hall, Manor Road, from 2.30pm to 4:30pm - All welcome!Poster....
Thu 12 DecPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Village Hall.