• NewsFirst pilgrims are on their way This Friday Whitchurch will be visited by a group of pilgrims who will be walking the inaugural pilgrimage along St Frideswide’s Way. ...
  • NewsAward for the Scearces At the Annual Village Assembly this week the Whitchurch Award for 2024 was presented to Richard and Susan Scearce of Manor Road for their much...
  • NewsBurglaries in the High Street Police are appealing for witnesses after burglaries earlier this week at two houses in and near the High Street.  They occurred during the...
  • NewsD-Day exhibition in Pangbourne extended An exhibition on local involvement in preparations for D-Day has been open for several days in Pangbourne Library.  The original closing date...
  • more news...
What else is new
  • Non-native insects found in Manor Road playground – more here
  • A short video taken from high above the Maze during the anniversary celebration on Saturday can be seen here.
  • The Pavilion on the Village Green has been given new doors and windows by the Cricket Club, thanks to some generous donations. More here.
  • Afternoon teas in the village hall have been popular, especially with last week’s strawberry theme.  More here
  • Wed 3 Jul WEDNESDAY GET-TOGETHER - 2.00 pm-4.00 pm - The Old Stables - details attached.
  • Thu 4 Jul Grey Bin Collection.
  • Thu 4 Jul GENERAL ELECTION - voting in the village hall from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm
  • Fri 5 Jul JAZZ AT THE OLD STABLES - 7.00-9.00 pm - further details attached.
  • Sat 6 Jul ART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Whitchurch Primary School.
  • Thu 11 Jul Green and Brown Bin Collection.
  • more events...