Letter of Welcome
If you have recently come to live in Whitchurch or Whitchurch Hill, our two
churches at St. Mary's and St. John's extend to you a warm welcome!
We hope that you will settle in well, enjoy walks in our lovely countryside,
visit our three welcoming pubs, the Greyhound and Ferry Boat in Whitchurch and
the Sun Inn up the hill in Hill Bottom, and make new friends.
If you
require further help and information please give either of the churchwardens a
phone call (contact details below). We both work during the day so
evenings are better if you would like to speak to us, or you can leave a message
on our answerphones and we will get back to you - and we are always happy to
come and visit you.

You can check out the parish of Whitchurch which is part of the
Langtree Team
Our team is comprised of a family of villages that combines the resources of
Checkendon, Woodcote, Stoke Row, Ipsden and North Stoke as well as the two
churches in Whitchurch parish.
At the present moment we have a vacancy for our "House for Duty Priest", during
this time our services tend to be as normal.
Our services are advertised on the village website diary.
As well as the regular communion services at out churches
we have Evening Prayer at St Mary's on the 2nd and 4th Sunday at 6pm.
There is also a Family Communion at 11am on the 2nd Sunday of the month and an
All Age Worship at 11am on the 4th Sunday, both at St John's, where young
children and parents have lots of fun and where we encourage children to join
in, so do not worry if your children like to let off steam. And there is coffee,
squash and biscuits afterwards!
There are lots of activities in the village and information on many of them can
be found on this website and also in "The Bulletin", issued
every three months
residents in Whitchurch-on-Thames. Its front and back covers list useful
contact telephone numbers for parish, county and district councils, the medical
practice, Whitchurch Primary School and various local associations.
We also have a parish magazine, delivered
every three months
to every household
in the parish.
We are part of the
Diocese of Oxford.
Bishop John Pritchard, who has recently retired, has written the
beautiful Intercession handbooks with creative ideas for public and private
prayer, and he championed "Living Faith" which helped us think about our mission
and ministry, both in our local and wider communities. Bishop Colin
Fletcher is the Area Bishop of Dorchester who helps administer the Diocese in
our area.
Our other church activities include:
Midweek meetings during Lent
Men's events throughout the year
Coffee in the Old Stables meeting room between 10:30 am and 12 noon on a Tuesday morning during term time for anyone - pensioners, parents, toddlers,carers - to drop in for coffee, tea, etc. There is an area for toys and nappy changing facilities.
Lent lunches
Annual Harvest Supper
Christmas Concert
Art Cafe
Supporting mission activities locally and in the third world.
Old Stables Church meeting room holds up to 40 persons and has a kitchen and
wash room. These facilities for benefit
of the community and can be used for meetings, children's parties, etc. for a
small donation.
Support from Whitchurch people is essential for our future and well-being.
We would welcome all comers to our services but also hope that you can
find time to appreciate the two buildings and their peaceful surroundings.
Our vision statement: we seek to be a worshipping family, looking outwards to
bless our community with the love of Christ.
To find the days, times and locations of our services, see the Schedule of Services.
Kenneth Baker, Churchwarden
0118 943
Sue Matthews, Churchwarden
0118 943
email suematt@waitrose.com