Tankers return to Eastfield Lane Thames Water delivered a letter to residents yesterday and this morning three tankers were parked in the High Street waiting to take turns parking...
Roadworks updates, Manor Road and Eastfield Lane (UPDATED) Parish council chairman Jim Donahue has been actively monitoring the two current problem areas and these are his reports...
Opening ceremony for rebuilt Pre-School (REPORT ADDED) After months of hard work and dedication, there will be an opening ceremony on Friday 17th January, from 8:45 am to 9:30 am, to celebrate the...
Short stories for the New Year Nick Brazil has published a new book, in which he has gathered together twenty short stories he has written over a period of many years. The...
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What else is new
- The Hardwick monthly lecture series is back, starting on 27th February in the Packing Shed at 7.30pm. Here is the poster with all the details.
- Would you like to be a Whitchurch Parish Councillor? There is a vacancy at the moment. Read about the voluntary role here and find out how to apply.
- Will SODC and OCC be abolished? Read what Peter Dragonetti has to say about it here.
- Parking fines – it is reported that this month the first tickets have been issued by an OCC parking enforcement officer to owners of cars wrongly parked in the High Street.
- A ribbon was cut at the opening ceremony for the new Preschool building on Friday 17th January. Read about the event here. The photos are also in the gallery.
- Sat 8 Feb ART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Pancreatic Cancer UK – Hannah Dunbar’s Marathon.
- Tue 11 Feb COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING - 10.30 am to noon - The Old Stables, everyone welcome!
- Thu 13 Feb EXERCISE CLASS FOR SENIORS - 10:00am - 11:00am - Whitchurch Village Hall - provided by an experienced chartered physiotherapist - poster attached.
- Thu 13 Feb Grey Bin Collection.
- Thu 13 Feb AFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome! Poster attached.
- Thu 13 Feb CRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables.
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