What else is new
  • Wild Oxfordshire has a newsletter about the value of our hedges.
  • ‘Three Men in a Boat’, a one-man show, brought the village hall stage back into use last Thursday for the first time in many years.  More here, with photos.
  • Here are the WINNERS in the 2024 Art & Craft Exhibition that opens tomorrow, Saturday at 10 am.  This year there are a record-breaking 246 entries from 129 exhibitors for this popular event. 
  • Whitchurch Hill to have 20mph limit – OCC has approved plans for reduced speed limits along the B471 to 40mph from Crays Pond to Orchard Coombe, 30mph from Orchard Coombe to the houses at the top of the hill, and 20mph within the village triangle.
  • Unsafe road conditions in Eastfield Lane – further road excavations are expected in the next week or two – here is an UPDATED situation report from the parish chairman.
  • Tue 10 Dec COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING - 10.30 am to noon - The Old Stables, everyone welcome!
  • Wed 11 Dec TOTS ON THE THAMES - 10 to 11.30 am in the Old Stables - A stay-and-play Baby and Toddler group, each Wednesday in term time - details attached.
  • Wed 11 Dec WEDNESDAY GET-TOGETHER - tea, cake and chat - 2.00 pm-4.00 pm - The Old Stables
  • Thu 12 Dec AFTERNOON TEAS at The Village Hall, Manor Road, from 2.30pm to 4:30pm - All welcome!
  • Thu 12 Dec PARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Village Hall.
  • Fri 13 Dec ST MARY'S YOUTH CLUB in the Old Stables - Years 6 and 7 from 6:45pm to 7:45pm - Years 8 and 9 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm - details attached.
  • more events...