Parish Council



The Parish Council meets monthly on the second Thursday of each month at 8:00pm in the Village Hall. The agenda is posted on the Parish Council notice board opposite the Greyhound about a week before the meeting. Members of the public are most welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and there is always an opportunity to speak. The agenda is also posted on the website before the meeting.

Parish Council meetings are recorded as follows:


The members of the Parish Council are:

  • Jim Donahue - Chairman
  • Diana Smith - Vice-chairman
  • Katherine Higley
  • Debbie Leach
  • Paul O'Grady
  • Frances Parkes
  • Romilly Swann

Parish Clerk: Brian Inglis

Please link to the following as required:-

The Bulletin

The Whitchurch Bulletin is published quarterly and a copy is delivered to each household in the village. The editor, Richard Williams, can be contacted by email.

Community Emergency Plan

Arising from the 2019 Village Plan, a Community Emergency Plan for Whitchurch on Thames was published by the Parish Council in February 2019.  The purpose of the plan is to make sure the village is as well prepared as possible for any emergency, to identify area coordinators and to establish a ‘telephone tree’ for communications. 

Financial Documents

Planning Documents

Whitchurch on Thames Village Plan - Village Plan webpages.

Search for and select a planning application of interest and view its description and progress. A quarterly planning update is provided in the Whitchurch Bulletin.

Annual Assemblies

Other Documents

Working Groups

Several working groups meet regularly and assist the Parish Council:

Other Village Topics

Village Hall and Village Green

The village hall is situated in Manor Road, off the High Street. It is available for hire. Details of facilities and hire charges are on the Village Hall page. The Village Green is at the east end of Eastfield Lane. Details can be seen on the Village Green page.


This community website is managed by a team of volunteers.  It is independent of Whitchurch Parish Council but cooperates with it to display many pages of council information.  It is hosted by SiteSpider Services by courtesy of Phil Weir. The Parish Council has no responsibility for material appearing on the site or on sites linked with it.  To see the Privacy Policy or the Accessibility Statement for the website click on the links at the foot of the page.

Contact the News Editor by email.