Fond farewell to the Witchers

After 29 years in Whitchurch, Paul and Geraldine Witcher of Hardwick Road departed the village on 21st March. They are moving to Nailsea in Somerset where they will be closer to their family.
They were thanked for their many services to the community at a farewell event in The Old Stables on 16th March (photo above by Debbie Leach), where they were presented with a suitable gift. They expressed their sadness at leaving the village.
The current Parish Magazine has an article, shown here in colour, on their wide range of much appreciated church and community activities over the years.
At their final session of WoTSing in St John’s Church on 13th March, the community choir, led by Geraldine for the final time, sang the couple's favourite songs plus an impromptu rendering of ‘Thank you for the music’. Paul and Geraldine said they were confident that the popular monthly singalongs would continue, led by the Cockerams, Ken Baker and pianist Tim Taylor.
Date/Time : Sunday, 23rd March 2025 13:53
Appointment of New Parish Councillor

Local shepherd, Romilly Swann, is the newest addition to Whitchurch Parish Council, following a unanimous vote in her favour at the PC meeting of March 13th. She fills the vacancy left by Nick Brazil’s recent retirement. Romilly has strong local roots, having lived and worked in this area for over 25 years, both on the Thames and the Hardwick Estate. She brings with her a detailed understanding of the botany, archaeology and ecology of this area and will undoubtedly prove a great asset to the council.
Date/Time : Tuesday, 18th March 2025 11:24
Cedar Lodge owners forge ahead

Despite several elements of planning permission not having been granted, Zephyr X have started recruiting staff and patients for the 45-bed care home previously known as Eastfield House.
Cedar Lodge is being advertised as a Flagship Dementia Centre and Nursing Home, but people in the community have many objections which still need to be resolved. Contentious issues include the overbearing east gable, external lighting, plant room and threat to trees. Many in the community feel aggrieved with the aggressive approach to planning adopted by the developer and are still hopeful that SODC will refuse the current outstanding S73 planning application.
Zephyr X have recently held a recruitment session in the village hall and have booked further training sessions there. They are understood to be planning a VIP Opening Day in the building on May 9th. This follows their placement of a marketing suite/reception room/office in the grounds, with an entrance through the roadside screen.
But there still seems to be a lot to do before the home can open, not least sorting out the sorry state of Eastfield Lane.
The aerial photo above is from the Zephyr X website.
A Henley Standard article on the external lighting was published this week.
Date/Time : Saturday, 08th March 2025 17:02
Eastfield Lane – update from the Parish Council

Parish Council chairman Jim Donahue has provided this report following yesterday’s meeting of the Parish Council:
The Parish Council met on 13 February to discuss suggestions that have been received by residents including:
- ZephyrX should sweep the road at least a couple times a week:
o ZephyrX have now started sweeping it every Wednesday and Friday.
o ZephyrX says the mud should almost completely stop the week of 17 February when the following activities will commence:
- Some of the large containers will be removed to make way for landscaping
- The earth in the front of the site will be removed and replaced with stone base for the front drive
- They also note that the large cedar tree will be cut pruned in accordance with the arboricultural survey previously approved
- Drains have been clogged again recently despite being cleared in November:
o ZephyrX have hired a Gully Sucker. It came on 5th February – drains no longer blocked
o They will repeat cleaning if needed in the future
- Reduce the number of cars parked on the road – I have raised this previously and ZephyrX now parks some vehicles on Swanston Field and the Village Green Car Park. The overall number of vans working on the site likely will continue to be at peak numbers until the end of March.
o I have spoken to them again and they are willing to move many cars to Swanston Field or other locations pending our guidance. The parish Council agreed to request that this be increased to around a dozen. We have also asked that this be done in a considerate manner in line with traffic regulation including not having cars running in idle unnecessarily.
o A resident had suggested the High Street residential parking spaces be temporarily allocated to contractors, but the Parish Council understands that changes to Highways regulations for residents parking would be difficult and time consuming to change so this option is not really realistic.
- There is a need to push ZephyrX to reinstate as much of the road and verges as possible. I have made my views and those of OCC Highways clear to ZephyrX and J Guest that the roads and verges need to be made good at least as well as they were prior to start of work. I suggest it is best to follow up in the April timeframe as completion nears, as points 1-3 are the priority for the next 6 weeks.
The photo above was taken this week.
Date/Time : Friday, 14th February 2025 11:35
Busy time for Youth Club

Debbie Leach reports:
This Saturday the St Mary’s Youth Club are running the Art Café to raise funds for their activities. See the poster.
We've had a brilliant term and a half at the Club. Since September we have expanded to two sessions every Friday evening during term time. Years 6 & 7 come at 6.45pm and Years 8 & 9 come at 8.00pm.
The Tuck shop is always popular, as is the Table Football. We always have activities for the 30+ who come over the evening. Older Youth who are doing their Duke of Edinburgh Award have been helping run the Tuck shop.
We are so grateful for the volunteers who run the Youth Club and for donations of equipment or money which we use to fund activities and craft.
There are more photos in the Gallery.
Update, 16th February:
St Mary's Youth Club want to thank all those who came along to support the Art Café. We raised £230 on the day with a very successful Raffle and selling of cakes.
Nine members of the Youth Club came and helped to serve, wash up, clear tables and hoover afterwards.
Thank you for those who contributed raffle prizes and home-made cakes, cookies, muffins and rocky road.
Thank you also to the two individuals who each donated £100 to the Youth Club. We are so grateful: the money will be spent on making the storage shed waterproof for all our equipment, and also on the weekly activities for the young people.
Date/Time : Thursday, 13th February 2025 16:22
Tankers return to Eastfield Lane

Thames Water delivered a letter to residents yesterday and this morning three tankers were parked in the High Street waiting to take turns parking in Eastfield Lane to begin a new operation, to take over the work of the pumped sewage pipeline system for a number of days. The tankers will be in action 24 hours a day, using flashing warning lights, probably until at least the middle of next week.
It appears that the Manor Road pothole/sinkhole repair requires the emptying of the sewage pressure pipeline, which runs from the pumping station in Eastfield Lane to the Manor Road Sewage Treatment Plant.
This is a setback to the hoped-for recovery of normal conditions in Eastfield Lane as traffic, including construction trucks, will have an obstacle to contend with again for at least a week.
Date/Time : Tuesday, 04th February 2025 10:44
Roadworks updates, Manor Road and Eastfield Lane

Parish council chairman Jim Donahue has been actively monitoring the two current problem areas and these are his reports today:
- Manor Road. Thames Water’s contractor has started work today (Monday 3rd February) on repairing the pothole/sinkhole, which they say was caused by a leak from a high pressure sewage pipeline. See the photo. They are preparing a lane around the road on the east verge to divert traffic as they will need to work on the entire width of the road. They will be working on this for at least a couple of days and maybe (they now say) a couple of weeks.
- Eastfield Lane. Jim has written a detailed Eastfield Lane Construction and Safety Update which reports on the programme for completing and opening Eastfield House/Cedar Lodge, on road and verge repairs, and related topics.
Update 4th February: Julie Huntington has sent these comments in response to yesterday's Update on Eastfield Road.
Date/Time : Monday, 03rd February 2025 13:59
Opening ceremony for rebuilt Pre-School

After months of hard work and dedication, there will be an opening ceremony on Friday 17th January, from 8:45 am to 9:30 am, to celebrate the successful completion of the Whitchurch Pre-School construction project.
On behalf of the Pre-School Team, Secretary Becky Galea says:
“This project wouldn't have been possible without the support of our amazing local community. If you would like to come and look around the new building, then please reply to by 10th January so we have an idea of numbers. We can't wait to welcome you to the new Whitchurch Pre-School!”
Update, 27th January:
The Henley Standard has published a longer report here.
Date/Time : Friday, 03rd January 2025 11:41
Short stories for the New Year

Nick Brazil has published a new book, in which he has gathered together twenty short stories he has written over a period of many years. The Ambush Was Closed For Lunch and Other Stories, his sixth book, contains a mixture of fictional and true stories in its 160 pages.
The story that is used as the book’s title is about the author’s adventures during his visit to Albania for a charity in 1991.
The book can be obtained from Amazon or directly from Nick at this address, The price is £5.
Date/Time : Tuesday, 31st December 2024 10:44
Happy Christmas!

The Whitchurch Web team wishes you a very Happy Christmas. We have a card for you to open.
We would like to thank Roy Goodall, of Yateley, who was born in Whitchurch and recently sent us several historic photos of the High Street. We have had one of them colourised, using online AI software, as seen here. The date is uncertain. It shows the 19 elms that lined the west side of the street until they were cut down sometime after 1910. If you can help to date it, please send a message to our Message Board.
We do hope you’ve enjoyed visiting the website during the year. Thank you to the many people who have provided news, events, photos and messages.
Date/Time : Thursday, 19th December 2024 16:26
Baptism in the Thames

James Leach reports on an unusual event:
On Advent Sunday, 1st December, Charlie was baptised by immersion in the millpond, following a service in St Mary's church. Baptism of adults by immersion is practised by many Anglican churches, though for logistical reasons this is more often in a baptismal pool than in a river. It is strongly symbolic of death and resurrection to new life, as well as cleansing. This was a very happy and meaningful occasion for us as a church congregation. We're not sure if it's a first for Whitchurch, at least in living memory. Does anyone know?
James Leach
Team Minister for Whitchurch
0118 976 5905
**There are more photos in the Photo Gallery.**
Update, 4th January 2025:
The Henley Standard has published an article on the baptism.
Date/Time : Friday, 06th December 2024 15:10
Eastfield Lane likely to deteriorate further (UPDATED AGAIN, Monday 9th)

Two more engineering projects are now scheduled, each of which will add to the congestion in Eastfield Lane caused by the many construction projects in the Lane, which are thought to number five, including the biggest one, Eastfield House.
SGN sent this letter to some, though not all, residents of Eastfield Lane this week, advising of excavation for gas works in the road at Eastfield House starting on 9th December. The allowed period is 8 working days, and the working hours are from 9 am to 4 pm.
The primary school has received the letter and has warned parents.
In addition to the above, a “ROAD CLOSED” sign was placed at the High Street end of Eastfield Lane yesterday, Wednesday 4th December, presumably by Thames Water. The tanker truck is back again visiting the sewage pumping station and they are placing signs and cones around the truck. Many vehicles are ignoring the road closed sign and still getting through to the school, but it is tight and the verge opposite the pumping station has already been further damaged. It seems likely that Thames Water is replacing one of the two pumps in the pumping station, but possibly they have not informed anyone in the village.
As a result of the new road closure sign, the food waste bins in Eastfield Lane were not emptied this morning, Thursday.
Parish councillor Diana Smith has been trying urgently to obtain more information from Thames Water.
The photograph above was taken in mid-September.
Update, Friday 6th December:
Thames Water has clarified that their contractor is replacing the older of the two pumps and that the work should be completed today. That gives us one new pump and one fairly new pump, which should greatly improve the reliability of the pumping station, a vital part of the village’s sewerage system.
The work is being carried out under the category ‘Immediate (Emergency) Road Closure’, for which the paperwork is now catching up. The Causeway website now shows that TW applied for a closure from 4th to 18th December, a two week period, presumably to cover for contingencies.
Update, Monday 9th December:
Jim Donahue reports:
A quick update. Diana Smith and I spoke to SGN contractors this morning who are waiting for the OK from OCC to put up road closure signs on Eastfield Lane.
While they still estimate it will take 8 days, the good news is that they say that access will still be possible at all times. They will only dig up half the road at a time, with the other half still available for access, although it will be tight.
Meanwhile, the building contractors have said that they have instructed their subcontractors to keep the road clear of cars other than directly in front of Eastfield house site. Some are parking at the Village Green car park and others on Swanston Field.
Date/Time : Thursday, 05th December 2024 16:55
Sylvia Rosekilly, 1934–2024

We sadly report that Sylvia Rosekilly died peacefully on 25th November, at home in Whitchurch, aged 90 years.
Sylvia was lovingly cared for at home by a dedicated team of helpers. Although suffering a prolonged illness, Sylvia was brave and accepting. Sylvia loved her garden and flowers. Sylvia had many friends, particularly at Reading Gardeners and with husband Roy was an enthusiastic bowls player in Pangbourne.
A cremation service will be held at West Berkshire Crematorium on Wednesday 18th December at 11 am, with refreshments afterwards at the George Hotel, Pangbourne. All are welcome, only family flowers. Donations, if desired, in Sylvia’s memory can be sent to the British Heart Foundation c/o Tomalin & Son, Tel 01491 573370.
Date/Time : Wednesday, 04th December 2024 12:56
Dianne Brooks, 1958–2024

It is with great sadness that we have to say goodbye to Dianne Brooks who passed away peacefully on Tuesday 12th November at the age of 66, after a long battle with cancer. She was a wonderful person who showed much compassion and love for everyone she came in contact with and left them with a true sense of their importance in the grand scheme of things.
She arrived in Whitchurch in 2001. She and Keith lived in Hardwick Road.
For many years she taught at the Chiltern Edge School, Sonning Common, where she helped children to grasp the rudiments of mathematics. She then went on to work with the Central Berkshire Education Business Partnership in Reading, assisting children who were finding it difficult to fit in at school. Following this she became the Parish Clerk for Benson Parish Council and more recently was volunteering at Whitchurch Primary School, helping the children there.
There will be a celebration of Dianne's life at St Mary’s Church in Whitchurch on Sunday 8th December at 2.00 pm, followed by a reception in the Village Hall. There will be no dress code and no flowers. All donations to Sue Ryder who cared for Dianne in her final days.
All who knew Dianne are warmly welcome to the service and reception.
Date/Time : Wednesday, 27th November 2024 11:43
Stage show coming to Village Hall

Three Men in a Boat, starring Giles Shenton, is coming to the Village Hall for one evening, on Thursday 28th November at 7.30 pm. See poster. Tickets £14, available online in advance here. The show has featured at the Edinburgh Fringe and many other venues. There is an introductory video.
Date/Time : Sunday, 10th November 2024 12:22
Modifications for Eastfield House (updated 15th November)

Following complaints that the developer’s construction work is deviating from the consented design in several aspects (News item, 1st November), Zephyr X submitted a revised set of drawings on 1st November which show that they are prepared to modify some parts of the already-built structure.
However, having examined the details for the controversial east gable overlooking his home, Neil Huntington says that while the design now shows a hipped gable, the dimensions are still not in accordance with those agreed in the consented design. The consented height of the vertical gable wall is 6m, above which the sloping roof should begin. The vertical gable wall has already been built to a height of 10m. The new proposal would reduce that to a height of 8m with a sloping roof above that. So it appears that while the developer is offering to reduce the impact on the neighbouring property, there is no acceptance on his part of an obligation to return to the consented design.
More detailed comments from affected residents are likely to appear on the SODC planning page.
The Parish Council will consider the current application on Thursday 14th November. The Consultation Period ends on 6th December.
Here is an overhead view of the site taken by Zephyr X in late September and displayed on their website under ‘Cedar Lodge’.
Update, 15th November:
The Parish Council resolved yesterday to object to the application. Read the comments from Neil and Julie Huntington, whose property is closest to the overbearing east gable.
Date/Time : Saturday, 09th November 2024 17:23
Great success for Pre-School rebuild project

The decision taken in May this year by the Whitchurch Pre-School parents to try to raise the money and replace the building by the end of the year was an ambitious one. Our news item of 12th May described the situation at the time and showed photos of the run-down building.
The "Save Our Pre-school" fundraising campaign drew a tremendous response from the community. Not only has the money been raised but construction has progressed quickly (photo) and the new building is expected to be in use later this month.
Here is a Thank-you Letter from the organising committee of parents, which lists the remarkable number of people and organisations that contributed to the project.
The Pre-school website has more information, including drawings of the building, here.
Date/Time : Tuesday, 05th November 2024 18:52
MP intervenes in Eastfield House rebuild

Our MP, Freddie van Mierlo, has written to SODC regarding the actions of the developer Zephyr X in failing to keep to the consented design for the enlarged care home.
On 23rd August this year, close neighbour Neil Huntington realised that the east gable wall was being built vertically, instead of sloping back as agreed with SODC back in 2013 to mitigate the overbearing nature of the building. He immediately alerted SODC and a planning officer visited the site on 11th September, confirming that this aspect of the building lacked consent. The developer was subsequently warned about his failure to follow the agreed plans. The gable end, now nearly complete, can be seen in the above photo, taken today.
Zephyr X submitted a retrospective planning application P24/S2700/S73 on 23rd August, as reported in our news item of 1st September. The parish council and about 40 residents have formally objected to this, many citing the cavalier approach to the planning process.
Today, perhaps as a result of the MP’s intervention, an SODC Appeals & Enforcement Manager wrote that “It is acknowledged that the gable end that is being built out does not currently benefit from planning permission, and (our Case Officer) has informed the developer that by continuing to build out not in accordance with the approved plans, they do so at their own risk, and she has recommended that they cease work until the application is determined. The application remains under consideration, and the officer has not yet reached a recommendation.”
Construction of the unconsented east gable has continued almost without interruption since a warning was first given to the developer. In a press release on 1st October Zephyr X said it expected to open the care home in the first quarter of 2025.
It remains to be seen whether SODC will rise to the challenge of enforcing the planning regulations.
Date/Time : Friday, 01st November 2024 18:23
Jim Donahue’s new book published

Our parish council chairman’s new book The Thames Valley: Past, Present, and Future - a Snapshot of English Life is released next Sunday, 27th October, and has been previewed this week in the Henley Standard.
The interview by Alex Carter, which can be read here, begins…. “A photographer from Whitchurch has portrayed the life and times of the Thames Valley in his latest book. Jim Donahue has focused on its history, community life, the countryside and local politicians, which he has illustrated with his own pictures. Mr Donahue, 61, who moved to the UK from America in 1997, has taken four years to produce his new book. He was inspired to write about his experiences living in the community and exploring nature over the last 25 years and how different life is compared to his homeland.”
Jim will be talking about his new book at 2.30 pm on Thursday 21st November in Goring Heath Parish Hall at a meeting of the Whitchurch & Goring Heath History Society, to which all are welcome.
The author’s earlier works include his 2015 book Portrait of Henley-on-Thames: British Country Landscapes, Traditions and Community Life. His first photo book was about Whitchurch in 2012, followed by one on Pangbourne a year later.
The new book costs £24.99 and can be ordered from the Bell Bookshop in Henley, Waterstones, Blackwell's, WH Smith or Amazon.
Date/Time : Sunday, 20th October 2024 13:54
New Parish Clerk

After five years of much appreciated work in the village Jane Yamamoto has retired from her role as Whitchurch Parish Clerk and moved on to a full time job elsewhere. Brian Inglis (pictured) has been recruited to the role and attended the parish council meeting on Thursday.
Parish council chairman Jim Donahue writes:
"We are pleased to welcome Brian Inglis as our new Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. Brian, who lives with his wife near Twyford, has been working as Clerk in two other parishes in the area and is engaged in training to achieve his Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA), which would bring benefits to us as a council. Despite not living in the village, Brian expects to visit Whitchurch on a regular basis and is looking forward to getting to know the residents. He is personable and approachable, and is also a keen golfer and cyclist, with young grandchildren in Scotland. He can be contacted at or 07737 982 907.
Brian is being helped in his transition by Jane Yamamoto, who has made herself available even while working in her new full time job. Please join me in thanking Jane for everything she has done for the village as Clerk for the past 5 years: from working with so many residents to address often difficult issues; to managing our village maintenance contractor; to ably managing the Parish Council’s finances and processes. There are so many things that Jane did above and beyond her normal Clerk role including organising recent royal celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022 and the King’s Coronation celebration last year, both of which were very well attended and very enjoyable celebrations."
Date/Time : Saturday, 12th October 2024 15:21
Concerns about the Walled Garden House

The Walled Garden House, situated behind the brick wall opposite The Greyhound, was demolished last week in preparation for the construction of a new, larger house. Permission for a replacement house was granted by SODC, with various conditions, in 2023, ref: P23/S1070/FUL.
Concerns are currently being expressed by village residents as to whether the developers of the plot are observing the planning conditions, of which 14 are listed in the planning officer’s report. The issues include tree protection, bats, demolition method and waste removal, and the protection of the village watercourse carrying floodwater across the plot and under the High Street.
The local authorities have been contacted to draw their attention to possible irregularities. Local residents have reported that the developer’s staff at the site are aggressive towards anyone taking too close an interest.
A photograph of the house prior to demolition, together with an architect’s elevation of its planned replacement, are shown here.
Comments by the chairman of the Parish Council, which opposed the planning application, were reported on in our news item of 16th October 2023, which can be found on this page.
Date/Time : Wednesday, 25th September 2024 17:06