The village has a Community Emergency Plan, approved by the parish council.
A leaflet entitled Preparing for Emergencies was distributed to all households in 2022. This summarises a 28-page "Are You Ready" booklet written by experts from the emergency services and utilities.
The village has two defibrillators. Instructions on using them can be found here:
Local information
The Whitchurch Bulletin is published quarterly and a copy is delivered to each household in the village. The editor, Richard Williams, can be contacted by email.
The Henley Standard is the local newspaper, with news and information about the area.
Whitchurch is in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
The long-distance Thames Path passes through Whitchurch.
The Environment Agency has a map showing the areas at risk of flooding in Pangbourne and Whitchurch in a major Thames flood event. It also provides local flood information on these pages:
For information on all aspects of flood risk and prevention see also the Flood Toolkit.
Reports on recent floods that have affected Whitchurch are on our Flooding and Drainage page.
Storm discharge data & river health. Thames Water produces this map providing near real-time information about storm overflow activity, as indicated by event duration monitoring (EDM).
Water and Electricity
Two illustrated Rough Guides have been specially written by and for Whitchurch residents in 2023. The first is on Water Supply to explain how Thames Water obtains, treats and delivers our tap water and how our wastewater is dealt with. The second is on our Electricity Supply, revealing how it is provided and distributed.
South Oxfordshire District Council
South Oxfordshire
District Council deals with
planning applications. You can search on their website for a planning
application of interest.
There is much planning data on their searchable GIS
Information System). They also maintain a treeworks
South Oxfordshire District Council deals with the collection of waste. On this website it lists what can and cannot be put in the recycling bins and how to arrange for the collection of large and bulky items.
You can find information about which bins to put out for the next bin collection on the What's On page of this website.
If you are a witness to fly-tipping, please report it -
details of how to do so are
SODC Financial reports can be read on this page.
Oxfordshire County Council
Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for education, social services, highways, planning and economic development, and waste recycling and disposal. The nearest recycling centre to Whitchurch is at Oakley Wood, Old Icknield Way, Crowmarsh near Wallingford, OX10 6PW.
County Council Elections are being held on May 1st 2025. See HERE for candidate statements.
You can report a breach of the 7.5 tonne weight limit in Whitchurch by using the link on this page.
You can report a pothole and other road and pavement problems to OCC on their Fix my street page.
You can check on roadworks and road closures on the page.
You can report that a street light is not working here.
Some of our roads are gritted in cold weather. Here is a map showing them.
Local Advice Centres
Citizens Advice information can be found here. They have circulated the council with advice on parking tickets.
Our nearest Job Centre is here. The Universal Credit guide is on the Job Centre website.
Volunteer Groups
There is a Pangbourne and District Volunteer website with information about the volunteer car scheme which provides transport for the elderly and less mobile to hospitals and surgeries.
Alternatively, Pangbourne and District Volunteer Centre, Pangbourne Village Hall is open Mon-Fri, 9.30 to 11.30 am, telephone 0118 984 4586.
Specialist Groups
Reading Geological Society - holds monthly lectures and field trips for those with an interest in Geology and Earth Sciences.
South Oxfordshire Archaeological Group (SOAG) - activities include excavating a 3rd century Roman villa site near Goring - newcomers welcomed.
Ramblers Association - walks with the local Pang Valley Ramblers group can be found on this link.
Reading and District Natural History Society - regular walks in and around Reading throughout the year and, during the winter, fortnightly indoor meetings with guest speakers and illustrated talks.
The Arts Society Goring (formerly the Goring branch of NADFAS) – arranges monthly lectures, study days, visits and tours.
Lift sharing - find someone travelling your way so you can share your journey, saving money, cutting your carbon footprint and having fun!
U3A - our local branch of the University of the Third Age is Goring on Thames.
Pangbourne Choral Society - is a thriving, non-audition choral society. They rehearse and hold concerts in the Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel at Pangbourne College.
Links to other communities
Goring Heath and Whitchurch Hill
Links to local businesses and groups can be found on the businesses and groups pages.
If there are any other links that you think should be included in this section please contact the Page Editor.