What's On

To have an event included here contact the Events Editor

Tue 25 MarCOMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING - 10.30 am to noon - The Old Stables, everyone welcome!
Tue 25 MarLENT LUNCH -1230 to 2 pm at The Old Stables. Please come and join us for the third of our four Lent Lunches. Poster attached.Poster ..
Thu 27 MarEXERCISE CLASS FOR SENIORS - 10.00 am - Whitchurch Village Hall - further details attached.further details....
Thu 27 MarGrey Bin Collection.
Thu 27 MarHARDWICK LECTURE - 7.30 pm in the Packing Shed - poster giving full details attached.poster....
Thu 27 MarCRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables. Join us on alternate Thursdays with your knitting, crochet, needlework and crafts or just for natter - everyone welcome.
Thur 27 MarEMERGENCY POWER CUT DEMONSTRATION - 8pm at the Village Hall. An opportunity to see how the village is preparing for an extended power cut, with a generator being started up to provide lights, wi-fi and other emergency provisions. All are welcome.
Sat 29 MarTHE FRIENDS' QUIZ EVENING - in Whitchurch Village Hall - poster attached. poster,,,,
Sat 29 MarART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Pangbourne Twinning Association.The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Tue 1 AprLENT LUNCH -1230 to 2 pm at The Old Stables. Please come and join us for the last of our four Lent Lunches. Poster attached.Poster ..
Wed 2 AprAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 3 AprEXERCISE CLASS FOR SENIORS - 10.00 am - Whitchurch Village Hall - further details attached. further details....
Thu 3 AprGreen and Brown Bin Collection - extra garden waste collection for brown bin customers - details attached.SODC website....
Sat 5 AprART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of The Friends of St Mary's & St John's.The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Sat 5 AprLAMBING WEEKENDS AND EASTER HOLIDAYS - 11.00 am-4.00 pm - poster with full details attached.poster....
Thu 10 AprAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 10 AprPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Thu 10 AprCRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables. Join us on alternate Thursdays with your knitting, crochet, needlework and crafts or just for natter - everyone welcome.
Sat 12 AprART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Redlands WI.The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Wed 16 AprAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 17 AprHISTORY SOCIETY MEETING - Edward Evans illustrated talk on "The History of Caversham Court Gardens" 2.30pm at Whitchurch Village Hall.
Sat 19 AprART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of the Growing Seed Trust Foundation.The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Thu 24 AprEXERCISE CLASS FOR SENIORS - 10.00 am - Whitchurch Village Hall - further details attached. further details....
Thu 24 AprHARDWICK LECTURE - 7.30 pm in the Packing Shed - poster giving full details attached. poster....
Thu 24 AprCRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables. Join us on alternate Thursdays with your knitting, crochet, needlework and crafts or just for natter - everyone welcome.
Sat 26 AprART CAFE - The Old Stables - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm - in aid of Parkinson's UK (Reading).The Old Stables - opposite The Ferryboat Inn. Pop in to make new friends and enjoy tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes sold on behalf of charity and local community groups.
Wed 30 AprAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 8 MayAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 8 MayCRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables. Join us on alternate Thursdays with your knitting, crochet, needlework and crafts or just for natter - everyone welcome.
Thu 8 MayPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Wed 14 MayAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 15 MayHISTORY SOCIETY MEETING - Goring Heath Parish Hall - subject to be announced.
Thu 22 MayCRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables. Join us on alternate Thursdays with your knitting, crochet, needlework and crafts or just for natter - everyone welcome.
Sat 24 MayTHE FRIENDS OF ST MARY'S & ST JOHNS - Granny’s Attic Stall at Whitchurch Hill Fete.
Wed 28 MayAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 29 MayHARDWICK LECTURE - 7.30 pm in the Packing Shed - poster giving full details attached. poster....
Thu 5 JunCRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables. Join us on alternate Thursdays with your knitting, crochet, needlework and crafts or just for natter - everyone welcome.
Wed 11 JunAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 12 JunAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 12 JunPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Thu 19 JunCRAFTY KNIT & STITCH - 2-4pm and 7-9pm - alternate Thursdays - The Old Stables. Join us on alternate Thursdays with your knitting, crochet, needlework and crafts or just for natter - everyone welcome.
Wed 25 JunAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Wed 9 JulAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 10 JulAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 10 JulPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Wed 23 JulAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Wed 6 AugAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 14 AugPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Wed 20 AugAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Wed 3 SepAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 11 SepAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 11 SepPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Wed 17 SepAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 18 SepHISTORY SOCIETY MEETING - Catherine Sampson "A Stroll through Berkshire Graveyards" - 2.30pm Goring Heath Parish Hall.
1 Oct 2025AFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 9 OctAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 9 OctPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Wed 15 OctAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Wed 29 OctAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Wed 12 NovAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 13 NovAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 13 NovPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.
Wed 26 NovAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Wed 10 DecAFTERNOON TEA in the OLD STABLES - tea, cake, quiz and natter, 2pm to 4pm - all welcome.
Thu 11 DecAFTERNOON TEA - 2:30 pm to 4:30 - The Village Hall, all welcome - poster attached. poster....
Thu 11 DecPARISH COUNCIL MEETING - 8.00 pm - Whitchurch Village Hall.