Village Plan

The final Village Plan is available here:

Here is a summary of the key actions:


What the plan says

Who is working on it and how you can help

Improve Traffic and Parking

The plan outlines what needs to be done:

·         No parking areas in Phase 1 & residents' parking in Phase 2

·         20mph limit and other safety measures

The TAPAG working group has nearly finished proposals for Phase 1 and will shortly be consulting on these with the village.

Replace the Pavilion

Shows the new design

Neil Huntington

New Pavilion webpages here

Contributions , building

Upgrade the Village Hall

Better catering facilities. Much work has already been cone

Jean-Marc Grosfort, Keith Brooks    

Village Hall webpages here


Set up a green team & have a maintenance plan for open spaces


The survey of residents shows a strong wish to maintain the village better, keeping its rural feel. (Proposals such as hanging baskets were not supported by most people.)

Alexa Duckworth-Briggs

Green Team webpages here

Please get involved in working parties shown on the website.

Develop a Conservation Area Assessment

Although much of the village is a conservation area the assessment has never been done. It will enable us to retain the things we value in the village.

Whitchurch Society (Laura Lucas) will lead this. A consultant will write the assessment with input from people in the village.

Implement a community emergency plan

A draft plan has been prepared and will be communicated shortly. Actions to improve drains and to mitigate flood risk are in progress.

Another working group!


Resurface pavements

Some pavements are in poor condition and a programme to resurface them is needed.

The Parish Council is working with Oxfordshire County Council to prioritise improvements.

We are lucky to have competent and enthusiastic people leading these activities but they all need your support. Raising the money for the pavilion is a particular challenge.

The many people who helped in working groups and in editing the plan are listed on the last page. The main input to the plan was the September 2018 survey and the results can be seen here: summary and full results.

The plan was presented to the Annual Parish Assembly on Tuesday 21st May. See here.

Other Documents

Steering Committee and Original Working Groups

  • Chairman: John Bradon   phone 07789 944 676 or email

  • Community Facilities (Charles Cotgreave, Jean Marc Grosfort)

  • Open Spaces (John Bradon, Jim Donahue, Leslie Maynerd, Leslie Prater)

  • Community Groups and Activities ( Keith Brooks, Sarah Hanfrey, Richard Williams)

  • Traffic and Parking issues (Rachel Hatcher and TAPAG, Will Barclay, Ben Riordan)

Current Working Groups implementing the recommendations (Note: the composition of these groups may change and more help is needed.)

  • Village Hall   (Jean Marc Grosfort, Keith Brooks, Charles Cotgreave)

  • Pavilion  (Neil Huntington, Cormac Neeson, Warren Beard, John Bradon, Jim Donahue, Frances Dixon)

  • Community Emergency Plan  (Jim Donahue and TBA)

  • Conservation Area Assessment  (The Whitchurch Society - Laura Lucas, Will Barclay, John Bradon)

  • Green Team (Alexa Duckworth-Briggs)

