Pavilion and Tea-Room

Current Plans

In February 2020 concerns were expressed by the Cricket Club at the Parish Council meeting about the increasing cost of the new pavilion project, for which the Club were expected to raise a substantial share of the funds. This was discussed further at the September 2020 meeting. It was agreed that the Parish Council would no longer pursue development of the new pavilion, for which planning approval had been obtained. Instead they would consider taking on responsibility for replacing and owning a new tea-room (the existing one is on the left in the photo above), while the Cricket Club would work on renovating the existing pavilion (on the right). It was also agreed that the New Pavilion Working Group was now formally dissolved.

In November 2020 a presentation of the lessons learned from this project was given at a Parish Council meeting.


Whitchurch Parish Council acquired the cricket field from its private owners in 2012 and set about a programme of work to improve it as a facility for all. A car park, football pitch, benches, landscape planting, fencing and signage were all provided over a period of several years. From the outset the need was recognised to upgrade the ageing cricket pavilion and tea room (shown babove, tea-room on the left).

Planning for a new sports pavilion moved forward gradually, leading to the granting of full planning permission in 2019 before doubts began to grow about the feasibility of the fundraising involved. 

Links to plan and elevation drawings of the proposed building can be found on the SODC webpage here.

The Minutes of Meetings of the NPWG, starting in May 2019, can be seen on this page.

Terms of Reference for the NPWG were agreed with the Parish Council in 2019 and can be seen here.