News Archive

Parking scheme approved (Updated with Statement)

At a meeting in Oxfordshire’s County Hall this morning the Cabinet Member for Transport Management approved the parking scheme, including resident permits, proposed for the High Street. 

Two residents had obtained permission to speak and they requested more parking opportunities near the Picture Gallery, especially in view of mobility problems.  The traffic officer addressed the residents’ concerns and said that special parking permission could be obtained by those with mobility problems. 

Parish councillor Diana Smith outlined the lengthy consultation process that had taken place.  Parish council chairman Jim Donahue emphasised the benefits of the scheme for pedestrian safety. 

The meeting's chairman said that all such schemes are subject to review after a period of use and changes can sometimes be made later.

Update, 25th January, 7 pm: Jim Donahue issued a statement on today's decision, seeking to reassure residents who have concerns about the scheme.   

Date/Time : Thursday, 25th January 2024 11:48

Otter back again in Whitchurch

An otter was seen in the Thames yesterday.  Nick Plumridge, who spotted it and took a photograph, says: “Definitely part of a group I would say, as it was calling out whilst swimming.  I spotted it first looking for food around the tollhouse millpond wall.  It then swam across the river to the central island and then under the bridge and disappeared along the bank on the Whitchurch side.”  

Date/Time : Monday, 22nd January 2024 18:57

Final details for decision on parking scheme

  In advance of the public meeting to be held in County Hall at 10 am on Thursday 25th January, Oxfordshire County Council has published the papers for the meeting, which can be seen here.  

The pages relating to the proposals for Whitchurch (Agenda Item 7) can be found between p195 and p279.   (Recommendation and summary pp195-200; Street plans pp201-202; Survey results pp203-204; Comments for and against pp205-279.) 

Two recent changes to the scheme that was presented for consultation last year are mentioned on p195.  These increase the parking near the Picture Gallery from 3 to 5 spaces and reduce the length of the parking bay south of Manor Road by 5 m. 

The meeting can be watched, without participation, on a Live Stream Link.  Opportunities to speak are detailed on p2. 

Date/Time : Friday, 19th January 2024 15:03

Remembering Doreen Godley (Updated with service details)

The sad death of Doreen Godley on 2nd January occurred when her car collided with a fallen tree at 5.30 pm near Crays Pond, in the aftermath of Storm Henk.  She was 87 and well known to many in Whitchurch and Whitchurch Hill.  She and her husband Brian, who died in 2010, lived for many years in Rivacres, Whitchurch Hill, before moving to Goring. 

Vicky Jordan commented: “Doreen was a founder member of the History Society and served as treasurer for many years. She has been a member of the committee for as long as I can remember and was always full of ideas for our programme. She participated in all our activities, enjoyed our outings and happily took on the “coffee lady” role at our meetings. I know she was involved in many other groups in the community and will be sorely missed.” 

Chris Martin said: “Doreen was a long-term member of the Whitchurch Theatre Club.    She was a very friendly person, always enthusiastic and smiling.   Mixing with people very easily, she always made everyone welcome.” 

Martin Wise said: “A shocking and awful tragedy.  Doreen will be sadly missed.” 

Other groups she belonged to included the Women’s Institute, the Archaeology Society and U3A. 

This week’s Henley Standard has an article here.

Update, 23rd January:  A Requiem service for Doreen will be held at 11am on Tuesday 13th February at Our Lady and St John’s Catholic Church, Ferry Lane, Goring on Thames.

Date/Time : Sunday, 14th January 2024 12:03

Aerial photos of flooding last weekend

Photographer Dave Olinski took a video on Sunday from a drone high above the river, which shows the recent flooding at its greatest extent.  It can be viewed here

He also took the still photo shown here on the same day.  It is clearer in this enlarged version

The Thames floodwater reached its highest level on Sunday morning and has continued its gradual fall since then. 

The Greyhound was forced to close its doors to business at 6.30 pm on Saturday when water began to enter the bar area. Lottie says that on Sunday morning the floor was covered in water to a depth of 4 to 6 inches.  By Monday morning the water had gone, leaving silt behind.  Dehumidifiers were found and a start made on drying out the small area of fitted carpet and cleaning up generally.  The pub reopened on Tuesday morning. 

How does this flood compare with past ones? 

In comparison with previous river floods, the January 2024 event reached virtually the same level as the January 2014 event (which delayed the bridge reconstruction).  Before that, a river flood in January 2003 was lower than those by about 10 cm. 

The yardstick for a major Thames flood is the March 1947 event when the water level reached a level 30 cm (1 foot) higher than the 2014 or 2024 events. That was associated with the rapid melting of snow and ice in a severely frozen catchment, adding to heavy rainfall.  There was considerable flooding of Whitchurch properties. 

Prior to 1947 there was a historic flood in 1894 which is recorded as reaching a level 25 cm above the 1947 one.  But after that event many weirs were lengthened and extra floodgates were installed up and down the river, which helped to lower flood levels. 

The flooding that caused a large pool outside the pub on 16th June 2020 was the result of a local flash flood and not a river flood.  More from the Flood Forum on our Flooding and Drainage page

Date/Time : Thursday, 11th January 2024 16:54

Thames flood reached a historic peak today, Sunday

The Greyhound was forced to close at around 6 pm yesterday evening as water started entering the building.  The river slowly rose by a couple of inches overnight to reach the highest level for many years.  By midday today the level was starting to drop very slightly and by 7 pm this evening it had fallen by about the same amount.  It is now expected to continue to fall slowly. 

The photo shows The Greyhound this morning, at the time of highest flooding, with water right across the road.  The pub remained closed today.  There are more pictures in the Photo Gallery. 

The Report on the 2014 flood, which offers an approximate ranking of historic floods, suggests that this event produced the highest water level here for over 70 years, since the landmark flood of March 1947.

Update, Monday 8th January, 11 am:  The river level has continued its slow fall from yesterday’s peak.  By 11 am today it had gone down by about 15 cm (6 inches). 

Date/Time : Sunday, 07th January 2024 20:29

River Thames flood reaches 2014 level (Updated for Emergency Plan)

By 4 pm this afternoon the river had risen to roughly the level it reached at the peak of the January 2014 flood when the bridge reconstruction project was affected.  And it seems likely to continue rising for a while.  

At The Greyhound, publican Lottie Mitchell remained cheerful despite the pool of water in the car park (photo).  She was grateful to John Southey and Selby Armstrong who had helped fill and position sandbags to defend the doors.  Lottie says the pub remains open, with the floor still just about dry and the entrance now on the garden side. 

In Eastfield Lane, water rising from the village culvert was causing flooding across the full width of the road.  Bill Lewis managed to lower the level by clearing the grating that drains the road. 

This afternoon the Pangbourne meadow was fully covered by floodwater, causing a problem at the Dolphin Centre.  The Surgery car park was almost completely underwater and empty of cars.  Water was flowing strongly along the footpath shortcut from the station.  See the latest pictures in the Photo Gallery.

Update 7 pm Saturday:  Jim Donahue, Coordinator for the village’s Emergency Plan, said this evening that the Village Hall can be made available for anyone needing emergency accommodation, in the event that the rising water level causes flooding of houses.  He can be contacted at or 07557 668 601.  The Emergency Plan, which lists other residents prepared to help in emergencies, can be consulted here.

Date/Time : Saturday, 06th January 2024 19:13

Fatal accident on Tuesday near Crays Pond

Thames Valley Police are appealing for witnesses following a fatal car accident on the B4526 near Crays Pond at around 5.25 pm on Tuesday 2nd January. They report that a red Smart Forfour hit a fallen tree and the driver, an 87-year-old woman, sadly died at the scene. 

It has been reported locally that the victim of the accident was Doreen Godley.  She was the widow of Brian Godley and lived in Rivacres, Whitchurch Hill, before moving to Goring. 

The Police Appeal can be read here.

Date/Time : Thursday, 04th January 2024 16:02